The People Have Spoken, and There’s a Surprising Winner Between Concord and Astro Bot’s State of Play Excitement

Astro Bot has the edge over Concord.

Concord and Astro Bot


  • The PlayStation State of Play unveiled several games including Concord and Astro Bot.
  • The Astro Bot game has players more excited than the hero shooter Concord.
  • Fans are disappointed with what they have seen so far about Concord but there may still be hope for the game.
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PlayStation’s State of Play event on May 30 was filled with several announcements and brand-new looks at titles that players have been looking forward to. From Firewalk Studios’ hero shooter title Concord to Team Asobi’s 3D platformer Astro Bot, the unveils have players hyped.


There was a lot of talk about the shooter title, and it was sure to be shown at the event. The Astro Bot game was also rumored to feature. The inclusion of both of these titles in the presentation has fans excited, but they seem to have chosen the title that they would prefer over the other.

Fans Are More Interested in Astro Bot Than Concord

Astro Bot has the edge over any other game unveiled at the State of Play.
Astro Bot has the edge over any other game unveiled at the State of Play.

PlayStation had already confirmed that there would be no games coming this year from its existing franchises, and fans knew that all they would be getting were new titles. The presentation started with Firewalk Studios’ sci-fi multiplayer shooter, Concord.


The game is one of the many live-service games that the company is working on. Astro Bot, the robot mascot of Sony, has always been popular, but 2020’s Astro’s Playroom, which came bundled with every PlayStation 5 console, impressed players the most, and fans wanted a full game.

Team Asobi showed the first trailer for the upcoming game, which would be a new introduction for the hero, and players seem to favor it more than any other game. According to an X/Twitter user who shared the like-to-dislike ratio difference between the games, the Astro game is winning.


A couple of hours after the unveiling, the shooter title had 1.4k likes and 3.1k dislikes with 26k views, and Astro Bot had 11k likes and 95 dislikes with 50k views on the PlayStation YouTube channel. After over 12 hours of the reveal, the hero shooter trailer has 2.7k likes and 12k dislikes with 150k views, while Team Asobi’s title trailer has 23k likes and 245 dislikes with 318k views.

The Hero Shooter Title Does Nothing New and Fans Are Not Happy

Concord has fans disappointed but a few gameplay reveals could probably win them over.
Concord has fans disappointed but a few gameplay reveals could probably win them over.

The reception of the trailer for both games shows that players are incredibly excited about the Astro game, but despite the hype around the Firewalk Studios’ title, they are not very impressed with it. The developer shared a cinematic and gameplay trailer for the game.

It was also announced that it would be released on August 23, 2024. The cinematic trailer introduced players to the characters and Crater City. The game is multiplayer but will have an ongoing story that will explore relationships between characters every week.


Over a dozen Freegunners will be available at launch, but the fact that it is another hero shooter has fans disliking it. Fans have also said that single-player games have built the platform from the ground up, and not having a single player in this year’s lineup will hurt the company.

What are your thoughts about these games? Is there any title featured in the presentation that you’re looking forward to? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 842

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.