Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Subscribers Get a Perk to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 that Only PC Game Pass Members Can Match – Unlucky Everyone Else

Players with higher Xbox Game Pass subscriptions can play the newest Call of Duty beta for free.

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Black Ops 6


  • PC Game Pass and Game Pass Ultimate subscribers are entitled to play the free beta of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.
  • Microsoft could be making a grave mistake for limiting those with free access to the beta and could anger the gaming community.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be released later this year and will be available on Xbox Game Pass on day one.
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Call of Duty is one of the most popular franchises in history and the gaming community is ecstatic for the latest installment. Microsoft removed one major obstacle for fans dying to dive in immediately on day one by adding it to its subscription service but with a catch.


Some players immediately hopped on subscribing to a service to play new games without the hassle of purchasing it physically in the shop or paying full price for it digitally, unfortunately, Microsoft implemented tiers with certain benefits that not everyone is entitled to.

Xbox Game Pass Subscribers Can Play the Beta of Call of Duty

Players with higher subscriptions on Game Pass can play the beta for the upcoming Call of Duty.
Players with higher subscriptions on Game Pass can play the beta for the upcoming Call of Duty.

When the trailer dropped, many anticipated the upcoming Call of Duty to be available on Xbox Game Pass on Day One. This is a massive win for subscribers but Microsoft has sweetened the deal by giving those with a higher subscription access to the free beta.


Unfortunately, those on the lower tiers will not have the same privileges. Microsoft must have its reasons but this move can be viewed as passive-aggressive towards those who prefer to be on the lower tiers which cost less and the publisher will force their hand into upgrading their subscriptions to play the beta.

Regardless, this business move will most likely strike a nerve within the gaming community and will call out Microsoft for it. There are other ways for those who are eager to dive right in by pre-ordering either a digital copy or physical edition ahead of time which raised some eyebrows for those who are dead set on solely playing it on the service.


The Requirements to Play the Call of Duty Beta Is a Pain

Only a handful of Game Pass subscribers are entitled to play the open beta of the latest Call of Duty.
Only a handful of Game Pass subscribers are entitled to play the open beta of the latest Call of Duty.

It is a bizarre move made by the publisher but it is not all that surprising given the track record. Activision is reselling classic titles for a hefty price on Steam which is a subtle hint of its greed to milk the franchise for everything it is worth.

The open beta will feature the multiplayer game mode which is one of the highlights of the franchise and it would have made more sense if Microsoft gave every Game Pass subscriber, regardless of which tier or category, access to gain more detailed feedback from the community than limit it to those with higher subscriptions.

Perhaps this is all a ploy to drive up the subscriptions for Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass, however, recent polls have shown that the majority of the gaming community is not interested in playing the game on the service and prefers to play on rival platforms and consoles like PlayStation and PC.


Phil Spencer recognizes the potential of the franchise and probably believes it would be the savior of the subscription service. Unfortunately, his faith was misplaced and it may not give Game Pass the boost it needed to carry on with the idea.

Would you upgrade your subscription plan of Xbox Game Pass if it means you can play the open beta of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 610

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.