“They still sold a broken game”: Cyberpunk 2077’s Redemption Arc May Be the Best in Gaming History, But Fans Won’t Let Anyone Forget How Broken It Was On Launch

Cyberpunk 2077's original launch in December 2020 quickly turned to disappointment due to numerous bugs and performance issues.

cyberpunk 2077,


  • Cyberpunk 2077's launch was disastrous, plagued by bugs and performance issues, especially on consoles.
  • CD Projekt Red worked on numerous patches and updates to fix the game's problems and improve its performance.
  • The gaming community remains divided on whether Cyberpunk 2077 has redeemed itself or if its initial reputation damage is irreparable.
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In December 2020, the excitement in the gaming world was at an all-time high with the release of Cyberpunk 2077, a highly anticipated title from CD Projekt Red, the creators of The Witcher series. 


Cyberpunk promised a futuristic open-world experience like no other. However, what followed was a long journey that tested the patience of gamers and developers alike.

Cyberpunk 2077’s Launch Disaster and False Promises

CD Projekt Red continued to support and develop the game for more than three years.
CD Projekt Red continued to support and develop Cyberpunk 2077 for more than three years after release.

Immensve hype surrounded the game for years, especially after the release of The Witcher 3 and its two beloved expansions.  When Cyberpunk 2077 launched, excitement quickly turned to disappointment for many players, especially those on consoles.


The game was riddled with bugs, glitches, and performance issues, and failed to meet the expectations set by its ambitious marketing campaign and gameplay demos. Players encountered frequent crashes, graphical anomalies, and poor AI that detracted from the immersive experience promised by CD Projekt Red.


The performance on consoles was especially bad. The game launched without a next-gen update, and the framerate and resolutions on base PS4 and Xbox One consoles would drop down to as low as 600p, with a 20-25fps average in any area filled with NPCs. The image quality was especially blurry as well. Several patches were rolled out in the next few days, but with very minor improvements only.

The backlash was severe. Fans took to social media platforms and review sites to vent their frustrations. Memes and videos showcasing the game’s bizarre glitches went viral, further tarnishing its reputation. CD Projekt Red issued apologies and promised to fix the issues with patches and updates, but the damage was done. Cyberpunk 2077 became synonymous with highly botched launches and overhyped expectations. Sony even issued quick refunds to players in a rare move.

The Road to Redemption for Cyberpunk 2077

Patch 2.0 was a massive overhaul for the game.
Patch 2.0 was a massive overhaul for the game.

Despite the pretty disastrous launch, CD Projekt Red embarked on a long journey to redeem Cyberpunk 2077. The studio committed to a series of major updates aimed at addressing technical issues and improving gameplay mechanics. Over the following months, multiple patches were released, each aimed at stabilizing the game and enhancing performance across different platforms.


Gradually, the narrative surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 began to shift. Players who had initially shelved the game due to its technical shortcomings returned a few years later to find a more polished experience. 


CD Projekt Red’s transparency in communicating updates and listening to player feedback helped rebuild trust within the community. Features promised but missing at launch, such as more robust AI behavior and additional customization options, were gradually implemented through DLC and updates.

On social media, debates continue over whether the game has truly redeemed itself or if the initial damage to its reputation is irreparable. People argue that while the patches have improved stability, Cyberpunk 2077 still falls short of the revolutionary experience once promised. 


Branching paths meaningful dialogue options and other choices are still very minimal or almost non-existent, something that was deeply promised before release. The game also lacks verticality, with most of the buildings and locations not being enterable. 

The community still remains divided between those who praise the game’s narrative depth and world-building and others who cannot overlook its tumultuous beginnings.

Where do you stand on Cyberpunk 2077’s journey? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Suhaib Adeel

Articles Published: 130

Suhaib is a Gaming Content Writer at FandomWire. He's extremely passionate about video games and movies, and loves working in the pop culture space. Some of his favorite games include Fallout: New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Persona 5, Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored, and Bloodborne.