Former Fallout Dev’s Pending Indie Breakout The Axis Unseen Looks Like Skyrim on Steroids With New Elemental Magic Powers Reveal

Purkeypile just can't stop impressing with The Axis Unseen.

fallout, the axis unseen, skyrim


  • Nate Purkeypile's independent title, The Axis Unseen, revealed never-before-seen aspects of the game, including elemental magic powers.
  • Due to its similarities in lore and shadow archery-combat, the game appears to be in the same universe as Skyrim.
  • The game is set to release in October, but the exact date is yet to be shared by Purkeypile.
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Nate Purkeypile is the solo developer of The Axis Unseen, which will be released later this year. Purkeypile was formerly part of Bethesda, where he worked for 20 years. During this time, he worked on titles like Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Starfield before venturing into the world of independent games.


Purkeypile recently released the latest trailer for his game, The Axis Unseen. The trailer revealed new elemental magic powers that the protagonist will possess, similar to those in Skyrim but on steroids. Skyrim’s mythical world and shadow archer-type combat are reflected in The Axis Unseen; although the similarities aren’t blatant, they hit more or less the same nerve.

The World of The Axis Unseen Feels Like Skyrim’s

The Axis Unseen will also have Elemental Magic Powers in its gameplay. | Just Purkey Games
Purkeypile’s game will also have Elemental Magic Powers in its gameplay. | Just Purkey Games

The new independent game by the solo developer Nate Purkeypile looks very promising from the reveal trailers. The game belongs to the heavy metal horror genre, with its main focus on hunting mythical creatures and monsters. The world of the game is filled with mythical creatures derived from mythologies all around the world and transformed into surreal depictions of nightmares.


Due to its similarities in lore and shadow archery combat, the game appears to be in the same universe as The Elder Scrolls installment. The world of the upcoming title is beautiful; it is filled with mythic creatures, surreal imagery, and bizarre sightings, all referring to various mythologies from all over the world.

Purkeypile shared the latest trailer via his X handle. The trailer revealed tons of things that were not shown before, including the space for magical powers in its world.


Purkeypile seems to be drawing inspiration from the previous titles he has worked on during his time at Todd Howard’s studio. The magical and mythical influences in his latest independent title are the most interesting aspects of the game, as they add depth to the world of the title while keeping players hooked by giving them a challenging battle experience and hunting monsters from their nightmares.

The game’s score is filled with heavy metal, which further complements its mythical and gothic style of world-building and storytelling. It looks like a person’s imagination and interpretation of an amalgamation of various songs from the heavy metal genre, as was the case with Purkeypile himself; he mentioned that the reason for incorporating heavy metal is due to his interpretation of the music in these terms.

The Game Is Coming Soon on Steam

The Axis Unseen is Skyrim on steroids.
The upcoming game is Skyrim on steroids.

Purkeypile is yet to announce the exact date of the game’s arrival, as he hopes to raise the anticipation a little more before giving people a taste of satisfaction.


However, it is confirmed that the game will be debuting in October and will only be available on Steam as of now, and no multiplayer setting will be available given the small scale of production and Purkeypile working as a solo developer.

The world of the game looks terrifyingly beautiful. It looks well crafted and researched to the root. The game looks like a horror metal fantasy come true, with due credit to the efforts of a solo developer.

Are you looking forward to the game? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Anupam Lamba

Articles Published: 68

Anupam Lamba is an avid gamer and film lover. After completing his bachelors in Mass Communication he started working as a writer in the Indian film industry before his love for gaming made him venture into the lanes of Fandomwire and he started working as a gaming writer here.