“I hope Hermen has a change of heart”: Days Gone Director Teases Days Gone 2 with Public Plea to PlayStation’s New CEO, and Fans Jump on the Bandwagon

Days Gone director John Garvin gave the gaming community a glimmer of hope for a sequel.

days gone, playstation


  • John Garvin clarified that the Days Gone sequel could potentially happen if the Sony heads have a change of heart.
  • Days Gone co-director Jeff Ross revealed that Hermen Hulst was never a fan of the franchise and decreased the chances for a sequel.
  • Days Gone fans are still upset about Sony canning the sequel and mandated Bend Studio to work on a new project.
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Days Gone is an underrated PlayStation first-party title that is getting left behind by other major franchises by Sony. The game was initially released on previous-generation hardware and was bombarded by negative reviews which had a significant impact on its image.


Despite the high demand for a sequel and the cliffhanger ending that more or less hinted at plans for more stories to tell, Sony denied the developers permission to work on it and ordered them to work on something else but the director came out and it seems like not all hope is lost.

There Is Still Hope for a Days Gone Sequel After All

The gaming community is hoping for a Days Gone sequel from Bend Studio.
The gaming community is hoping for a Days Gone sequel from Bend Studio.

It wasn’t long ago when Sony unveiled a handful of new first-party titles in the last PlayStation State of Play and it was unlikely, some fans were optimistic about an announcement of a sequel but co-director Jeff Ross revealed that the new head of the company was not a fan of Days Gone.


However, John Garvin did mention that there is still hope for Sony to have a change of heart and for the company to ask these two directors to finish what they have started.

Garvin and Ross already envisioned the future but Sony snuffed it out before it could see the light of day. Both directors are deeply disappointed and rightfully so, and if the company were to revisit the franchise, Garvin would come back in a heartbeat if asked and as long as his partner returns with him.

Sony is not daft and knows how much this game means to the community and while a sequel may not be a top of the company’s priority, a PC port was released and the public opinion about the game has shifted towards the favor of the director. Some fans even improved the visuals and made the game look more appealing which could encourage Sony to do a remaster or a full sequel.


The chances are slim but still there regardless. Perhaps Herman Hulst and Hideaki Nishino will succeed where their predecessor failed and give the fans the games they deserve.

Days Gone Deserves a Sequel and the Fans Will Never Stop Asking

The gaming community is ready to ride the open road of Days Gone once more.
The gaming community is ready to ride the open road of Days Gone once more.

Day’s Gone’s poor reception due to the technical issues is valid but the developers have learned much since then and have something to prove for a sequel. Unfortunately, Sony gave the studio a quarter of a billion dollars to work on a new IP rather than give people what they wanted.

The franchise is full of potential and Sony’s lack of vision will cost them greatly. Garvin and Ross planned for the future and to see it crushed because the heads are not supportive of the idea is a terrible hand to be dealt with.


Perhaps the new heads will reconsider and give this franchise the same opportunity other successful franchises had. Public opinion is quite powerful and could sway the company in the right direction.

Not all hope is lost yet and Sony owns the IP and the studio. Maybe one day out of nowhere, Hulst will surprise the community with a sequel announcement.

Are you still hopeful for Days Gone 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 625

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.