“She’s hired lawyers”: Charlie Sheen’s Ex-Wife Has Reportedly Lawyered up as Matthew Perry Death Investigation Blows Wide Open With Bombshell Revelation

Brooke Mueller might be one of the many people caught in the net for Matthew Perry's death.

charlie sheen, matthew perry


  • Matthew Perry was found dead in his residence on 28th October, 2023.
  • While initially uncertain, the reason behind his death was found to be the use of ketamine.
  • The LAPD, along with the Drug Enforcement Administration, began an investigation into his death.
  • Many people are under the radar, including Charlie Sheen's former wife, Brooke Mueller.
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Last October, the world lost one of its brightest stars, Matthew Perry. The actor of Friends fame was found dead under mysterious circumstances, lying unconscious in his bathtub. While many thought that it was just a mishap, as it turns out, there is more to the incident than meets the eye. Investigating agencies have highlighted that his ‘accidental’ death might have been a result of more than just divine intervention, as Ketamine is being attributed as one of the reasons behind his death. And the hunt for the person who handed that over to him is very much in progress.


The world was not ready for Matthew Perry’s death

Matthew Perry
Fans and colleagues alike were shocked by Matthew Perry’s death l Author: Office of National Drug Control Policy Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Matthew Perry‘s death took the world by storm. Just a few years back, he joined his ‘friends’ for Friends: The Reunion. Yet again, we got a taste of what we loved about the show, the comedy, the camaraderie, and the chemistry among the stars.

Sadly, that was the last time we saw the entirety of the cast together before the 17 Again star’s death. The actor’s demise on October 28th, 2023 sent ripples across the industry, as no one had seen the news coming. But it seems like the event might yet cause more shockwaves in the Industry.


There might be more to Matthew Perry’s death than meets the eye

Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry’s death might be a result of ketamine intake l Author: David Shankbone Credits: Wikimedia Commons

It had come to light that the Los Angeles Police Department is all set to investigate the matter with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, with respect to the events that led up to the death on October 28th, 2023. And one of the leading questions is the identity of the person who supplied him with ketamine. And the inet seems to be tightening around another star who has frequented rehab – Brooke Mueller.

Police have reportedly shown up to the doors of Charlie Sheen’s former wife on countless occasions. Back in May, they showed up at the sober house she was living in with a search warrant, only to not find her there. She later on met them, and cooperated with the officers for the investigation. It has come to light that they even went on to seize an iPhone and a laptop.

Brooke Mueller questioned by Police in relation to Matthew Perry’s death

Brooke Mueller starred in 2008 flick Strictly Sexual
Brooke Mueller is known for starring in the 2008 flick Strictly Sexual. | Alfa Films

The Witchouse star’s connection with The Ron Clark Story star arises out of their interactions in rehab. According to sources, they formed an “unexpected friendship” undergoing rehab in the same facilities on countless occasions. But this friendship has landed Mueller in LAPD’s net, as she is one of the leading persons being questioned with reference to the case and might also be one of the people who is set to be charged.


As things begin to look dire, she has begun to take steps to protect herself. An insider told In Touch,

She’s hired lawyers and has had multiple meetings with law enforcement since they arrived at her sober living house with a search warrant. She’s being tight-lipped about the situation.”

While it still remains to be seen what course the investigation will take, things can go very wrong for the Strictly Sexual star.


Written by Smriti Sneh

Articles Published: 242

Smriti Sneh is a Content Writer at Fandom Wire specializing in celebrities and everything pop-culture. Being a literature research scholar, she is cashing in on her writing skills by working in the entertainment news sector - studying literary theories by day, and navigating celebrity net worth through the night. Although you can find her writing poems at any and all hours.