“No public matchmaking? Not everyone has friends”: Dying Light 2’s New Gamemode Inexplicably Missing a Core Feature from the Main Game

Dive into the debate over matchmaking and join the conversation.

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  • Dying Light 2's Tower Raid introduces escalating challenges across multiple floors, testing survival skills and teamwork.
  • The absence of public matchmaking in Tower Raid has sparked debate within the community.
  • Techland is listening to feedback and may consider adding public matchmaking in future updates or in the official release.
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In the world of videos, developers intend to innovate with community engagement and accessibility in mind. Dying Light 2 recently released its beta test for its new mode called Tower Raid which has sparked excitement within the community. 


However, one detail about the new mode has also started heated debates in the community. Tower Raid does not support one core mechanic which is available in every multiplayer game, making players feel disappointed and losing interest in the mode.

Dying Light 2’s Tower Raid Created Heated Debates in the Community

TDying Light 2's new Tower Raid is looking very promising as it challenges players to complete various floors but removed matchmaking for some reason.
Techland has removed public matchmaking from Dying Light 2‘s new Tower Raid mode. | Image Credit: Techland

Dying Light 2‘s new Tower Raid is looking very promising as it challenges players to complete various floors and the difficulty increases with each one. This not only escalates difficulty but also tests the survival skills of the players to the series of tests, making them work together and increase their engagement.


However, amidst all the thrill and excitement of this new gameplay experience, some players are noticing the underlying issue of omitting public matchmaking. This has left players scratching their heads as matching is the core mechanics of multiplayer games and removing that not only limits the mode’s potential but also reduces player engagement.

After the release of the Official announcement for the open beta of Tower Raid, players were unhappy and replied with many questions.


Players are asking what if they don’t have friends to play the game with.


While some are confused about how to play the raid with other players.

The main issue of players with matchmaking is that it is present in the main game. Due to that Techland’s decision to omit public matchmaking from Tower Mode has made players confused. Dying Light 2 not only boasts a seamless co-op experience but also allows players to drop in and out of each other’s worlds at will. This feature helped create many spontaneous moments and epic adventures.


Public matchmaking is a tool that helps expand a game’s playerbase and goes way beyond mere convenience, enabling a single player to team up with strangers. This helps create unintentional alliances and friendships which strengthen overall community bonds, and in the long term, help enhance the longevity of the game.

Community Hoping for Changes in Future Updates

Techland has assured fans that they are actively listening to their feedback. Players now need to hope they will see changes in future updates.
Players are hoping that public matchmaking will be added to the mode in future updates | Image Credit: Techland.

After hearing the response, Techland has assured fans that they are actively listening to their feedback. Players now need to hope they will see changes in future updates. One good thing is that this new Tower Raid mode is in open beta so developers have the opportunity to add public matchmaking for official release.

While this commitment from developers has reassured many players, it still raises the question of why matchmaking wasn’t included from the get-go. It is important for developers to learn that overlooking such a foundational feature could have the potential to hinder the mode’s long-term success.


In the end, Let’s hope public matchmaking is added to the official release, and for now, players can enjoy this mode with online community members or some friends.

Are you going to try out Tower Raid mode before the Open beta closes? If yes, tell us your favorite weapon you going to try in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 160

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.