“I see no scenario where this isn’t a downgrade”: Valorant’s Smallest Change is Annoying Die Hard Fans – Do You Agree?

Subtle shifts, significant impact: Valorant's controversial update sparks community debate



  • Recent alterations to the weapon ping system have left players questioning its impact on gameplay clarity and strategic decision-making.
  • There is a broader trend of dissatisfaction with changes that diminish the gameplay experience.
  • Players are hoping that Riot Games will take note of their grievances.
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Riot Games’ Valorant has been designed to receive regular updates and tweaks that enhance and balance out the gameplay and the player experience. However, not all the changes are welcomed by the gaming community.


A recent update has apparently altered the ping system for guns. Pinging firearms no longer specify the weapon type in conversation or on the ping itself. This small change, among many others, makes a huge difference for the Valorant fans.

The Controversial Ping System Change in Valorant

The new update took away a helpful feature of Valorant.
The new update took away a helpful feature of Valorant.

The latest update made a seemingly small change: Pinging Guns no longer mentions the specific type of weapon in chat or on the ping itself. Before this update, players could ping a weapon during post-rounds, providing crucial information to teammates about available upgrades. 


This feature allowed players to quickly assess the worth of picking up a weapon without having to walk all the way to it. Now, the ping system merely indicates the location of “a gun,” stripping away the detailed information that once streamlined decision-making.

The controversial rank reset mechanic in Valorant has a few fans of its own.

This change has been met with huge discontent. For a game where split-second decisions can mean the difference between victory and defeat, the taking away of this feature is seen as a step backward. The update has been criticized for offering no tangible improvements while removing a helpful feature.

byu/BartOseku from discussion

Riot Games has been making changes that appear to degrade the user experience. Some of the players have mentioned the changes that have been brought to the voice command wheel. It’s a bad change and they are hoping this gets reversed. 

A huge outcry is also being made about a potential update that might see Valorant combining various agents.

Riot Games Need to Take Care of Community Grievances

If left unchecked, community grievances might turn toxic.
If left unchecked, community grievances might turn toxic.

There is a rising discontent among players, who believe that each update introduces undesirable changes that detract from the overall experience of the game. This has created a lot of communal grievances online.


As Riot Games continues to tweak and modify Valorant, it is crucial for them to listen to player feedback and ensure that their changes enhance, rather than detract from, the gaming experience. 

What do you think of the latest Valorant update from Riot Games? Are you facing any issues? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 166

I travel. I game. I write. In no strict order.

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