Just Like Helldivers 2, Concord is Another PlayStation Title Desperate to Court Controversy with Unfortunate Requirement

Sony doubles down on the PSN requirement for Concord despite the Helldivers 2 backlash.

Helldivers 2, Concord


  • Sony and Firewalk Studios will make use of the PlayStation Network for Concord.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios was thrown under the bus by Sony for the Helldivers 2 controversy.
  • Helldivers 2 ran so Concord could fly, and for the gaming community is not all that convinced.
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Helldivers 2 suffered a massive hit after Sony implemented a new mandate for PC players to link their Steam accounts with the PlayStation Network to access the online multiplayer feature. Initially, it wasn’t a requirement but Sony had more ambitious plans that negatively affected the game.


The game was pulled out of 180 countries that did not support the network, leaving thousands of players in the air. Eventually, the company caved in and reversed the decision but didn’t stop them from forcing this mandate on other cross-platform multiplayer games beyond it.

Helldivers 2 Was Only the First Game to Suffer by the Hand of Sony

Director Johan Pilestedt had a field day with the PlayStation Network fiasco for Helldivers 2. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios
Director Johan Pilestedt had a field day with the PlayStation Network fiasco for Helldivers 2. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

It is safe to say that Arrowhead Game Studios was the victim of the mess that Sony caused. The gaming community quickly turned on the developers over a decision they had no control over and left to fend for themselves against the hate of the player base, especially those who resided in regions without the PlayStation Network.


Director Johan Pilestedt anticipated the backlash the Helldivers 2 team would receive after the game was pulled out of online storefronts. The director took it like a champ and did not rest until the game was restored to its former glory. Sony learned their lesson the hard way but it went over their heads and making the same mistake with an upcoming project.

Firewalk Studios is developing a new live service game called Concord and the developer sat down with Eurogamer to talk about the significance of the PlayStation Network for online multiplayer.


“That allows us to have cross play, that cross progression, that’s that’s an important piece of it,”

Kim Kreines, the director of IP for Firewalk, explained how the network unites PS5 and PC players.

“The goal is for players to come together,” lead character designer Jon Weisnewski added. “And so for us to have PC players and PlayStation 5 players together, for that cross-play and cross-progression to work, that’s a layer that needs to be there – just on a technical level. So the goal is we want to get players together, to have fun and play together, this is part of that experience.”

The idea is sound but not everyone is willing to share sensitive information to play the multiplayer feature. The United Kingdom is much stricter and demands more details from players before they can create an account which is a hassle.

Perhaps Firewalk will handle this better than Arrowhead. Sony must avoid another fiasco that could ruin the upcoming game.


Firewalk Studios’ Concord Could Be Sony’s Redemption

Perhaps Firewalk could succeed where Arrowhead Studios failed through Concord. Image Credit: Firewalk Studios
Perhaps Firewalk could succeed where Arrowhead Studios failed through Concord. Image Credit: Firewalk Studios

The developers want to bring together two player bases which is a noble cause. However, some of them value their privacy more.

The PSN is meant to improve the online moderation. Players from both platforms can meet halfway and to bridge the gap, Sony could bring about the end of console wars.

Arrowhead Game Studios got the short end of the stick with what transpired which was an unfortunate hand to be dealt with. Sony used it as a learning experience for its future live service games.


Are you excited for Concord? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 648

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.