“We have one we are looking to do soon”: Ryan Reynolds Confirms He Will Team Up With Hugh Jackman Again After Deadpool 3

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Set for Another Team-Up Following Deadpool 3.

Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman
Image by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


  • Ryan Reynolds reveals plans for another project with Hugh Jackman after their upcoming Deadpool 3 team-up.
  • The actors, friends since their X-Men: Origins days, are excited to work together again in a non-superhero capacity.
  • Fans eagerly await Deadpool 3, set to hit theaters on July 26, 2024, featuring the duo’s first proper collaboration.
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Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have been great friends since the very day they met on the sets of X-Men: Origins. While they have since humorously denounced the movie and its existence, the film nonetheless brought two Hollywood stalwarts together in what is anticipated to become one of the best superhero movies of all time: Deadpool & Wolverine.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

Finally bringing the Deadpool-Wolverine duo of the comics to live-screen, fans cannot have enough of the two actors’ incredible on-screen chemistry in many of the movie’s promotional videos and trailers. And while having Jackman’s Wolverine back again after Deadpool & Wolverine is a far-fetched dream, Reynolds and Jackman revealed they have been ‘cooking’ to star together again.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds Will Team Up Again after Deadpool & Wolverine

ryan reynolds and hugh jackman twitter
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are best friends [Credit: @VancityReynolds | X]
Deadpool & Wolverine will be Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman‘s second on-screen team-up after the disastrous X-Men: Origins. Although their first team-up brought Deadpool to life, it is now widely disregarded by the actors and fans, almost as if doesn’t even exist in the first place.


And so the upcoming R-rated MCU movie will be the first time the two stars will be starring together in a proper capacity. While fans are excited to see the two long-time best friends‘ iconic collaboration, many of them have exclaimed they would love to see them together again after Deadpool & Wolverine.

While another MCU movie for Jackman might not be in the cards, the duo recently revealed they have been cooking something outside the realm of superheroes and comic books. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Reynolds teased without revealing any details,

We have one we’re looking to do soon.

Not worried about their Marvel futures at all, instead loving the attention they have been getting with their first proper team-up, Reynolds and Jackman cannot wait to team up again. And if such a team-up involves Shawn Levy as well, it is sure to be a wonderful fix of brilliance, art, and comedy.


Ryan Reynolds Will Always be Rooting for Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in X-Men Origins: Wolverine | 20th Century Fox

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman met for the first time in 2008, while shooting for Origins. The shoot had wrapped up already but Reynolds wanted to do his first scene a little differently, making Jackman call everyone back, and they all came back unhesitatingly on Jackman’s call. This incident is forever etched into Reynolds’ mind, who instantly knew what kind of a person his co-star was and continues to be.

So while talking to Entertainment Weekly about working with him again and why he would love to work with the Wolverine star, Reynolds revealed,

I would say that [ours] is like any relationship that is successful and works: It’s that two parties are rooting for each other. I’m always rooting for Hugh to score and win. I also know the infinite nuance of his heart and his mind and who he is. I can say firsthand that he’s a person who’s not just worth rooting for, he’s somebody who’s impossible to not root for.

In Hollywood, an industry riddled with competition, it is not often that a star would utter such high astounding praises for his co-star. Hearing Reynolds say the above is not only proof of the dedication they have towards each other but also reflects the long and dear friendship they have built all these years.


Deadpool & Wolverine will be in theatres on July 26, 2024!


Written by Maria Sultan

Articles Published: 1415

Maria Sultan is a News Content Writer at FandomWire. Having honed her skills are a Freelance and Professional content writer for more than 5 years (and counting), her expertise spans various genres and content type. A Political Science and History Graduate, her deep interest in the world around shapes her writing, blending her insights across diverse themes.

Outside the realm of writing, Maria can be often found buried in the world of books or pursuing art or engaged in fervent discussions about anything or everything, her passions balanced by binge watching Kdramas, Anime, Movies or Series during leisure hours.