“Illari’s nerf seems like a weird decision”: Overwatch 2 Mid-Season Patch Seems to Fix What Wasn’t Broken

There's a reason the game is sitting at an 'Overwhelmingly Negative' rating on Steam.

overwatch 2


  • Illari's Healing Pylon nerf removes team notification upon destruction, frustrating players.
  • Patch notes bring unpopular changes like Ana's nerf and Mauga's buffs.
  • The Overwatch 2 community feels Blizzard is out of touch with player needs.
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It’s finally time for Overwatch 2‘s mid-season patch, and people are not happy—shocker.


A lot of balancing changes have been introduced, with some heroes getting greatly buffed while others took a massive hit. While each of the changes has its pros and cons, there’s one nerf that nobody can seem to find a reasonable justification for.

Overwatch 2 Makes the Oddest Nerf Decision

An in-game screenshot of Overwatch 2.
An argument could be made about the Pylon’s power, but not this. | Credit: Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

Ever since Overwatch‘s sequel came out (and I used the word sequel very loosely), many people feel like Blizzard hasn’t been able to do anything right for it.


The sentiment was already building up considering how long it took for Overwatch 2 to come out.

When it finally dropped with no mention of the promised PvE story mode and with 5v5 being the new standard instead of 6v6, it felt like the team was completely out of touch with what players wanted.

The new patch notes just seem to continue the trend. There were a lot of changes made, but one of the most controversial ones seems to be Illari’s nerf.


Her ‘E’ ability, the Healing Pylon, will no longer notify the entire team when it’s destroyed.

The Patch Notes Are a Huge Miss

An in-game screenshot of Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 has done it again! Upset people, I mean. | Credit: Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

Was removing this critical notification really necessary? The Overwatch 2 community has weighed in, and the consensus is a resounding no.

For one, the notification informing teammates that the Healing Pylon was destroyed helped them keep track of the Pylon and know when it’s on cooldown vs. when Illari has one ready to deploy.


Any support main who’s been unfairly blamed for not healing can understand why this notification was helpful.

People are furious at the patch, and Illari’s changes are just the start. Ana’s nerf, Mauga’s buffs, and other changes are widely unpopular.

It’s just your average Wednesday where Blizzard manages to do something to Overwatch 2 that upsets everyone.


However, the scale of dissatisfaction this time around seems much larger than before.

What are your opinions on the new balancing changes for Overwatch 2? We’d love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 497

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been writing about video games for several years. When they're not complaining about the lack of a Bloodborne sequel or brushing up on the Yokoverse lore, Vibha is busy watching 3-hour video essays on horror games they're too scared to play themselves.