“Gideon kinda doesn’t know s**t”: Shadow of the Erdtree Highlights 1 Major Disconnect with Elden Ring Hidetaka Miyazaki Missed

Lesson learned, never trust someone that calls themselves the all-knowing.

Elden Ring


  • The DLC reveals Gideon Ofnir lacks true knowledge about the demigods and is a fraud.
  • Players humorously note his reliance on the Tarnished for information, giving no weightage to the title of the All-Knowing.'
  • Ofnir's betrayal and defeat highlight his misguided confidence throughout the game.
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Elden Ring‘s DLC adds some pretty significant context to important characters from the base game while giving us a lot more questions to contend with, in classic FromSoftware style.


That being said, there’s one thing that’s become ultra clear since the release of the DLC. The ‘All-Knowing’ isn’t in the know at all, and he’s been lying to us this whole time.

Elden Ring DLC Exposes One Character for Being a Fraud

A promotional picture for Elden Ring.
Elden Ring‘s most ‘knowledgeable’ character is clowned. | Credit: FromSoftware, Inc.

What were subtle hints in the base game, has become a full-blown scandal in the subreddit for the game after one user hilariously exposes Gideon Ofnir, The All-Knowing, for being a complete and utter dud.


It started under a Reddit post wishing that the NPC could react to all of the new information we learned about the infamous demigods throughout the new DLC.

For context, in the base game, he initially gives us some information about the demigods after obtaining our first Great Rune and then makes a pact with us.

I wish Gideon had something to say about all the things we find out in the DLC.
byu/LeoShun08 inEldenring

He agrees to tell us the names of the demigods we must hunt down so long as we find them and tell him where they are. OP wished to have some dialogue where they could talk to him about all that’s happened in the Land of Shadow.


However, people couldn’t help but point out how ironic his title as the ‘All-Knowing’ is. After all that we’ve found out in Shadow of the Erdtree that he has no clue about, it’s clear that he’s a fraud at the core.

byu/LeoShun08 from discussion

Not to mention, the base game paints him as such too. He’s the All-Knowing but relies on information the Tarnished gives him to find out where every demigod is and what happened to them. And that’s just the start.

Ofnir Got What Was Coming to Him

A promotional picture for Elden Ring.
Ofnir flew too close to the sun and got burned. | Credit: FromSoftware, Inc.

While the NPC initially partners with us under the pretense of fighting for the title of Elden Lord just like us, he ends up betraying our character and challenging us to a fight toward the end.

byu/LeoShun08 from discussion

The spells he can use in the game are just like those of the various demigods we’ve defeated and told him about.

He’s been spying on your character, thinking he can mooch off your accomplishments.

byu/LeoShun08 from discussion

One thing everyone can take from him, however, is the confidence he had in thinking he could kill the Tarnished after all the demigods they’ve slayed up until then.


Imagine all the things you could do with those guts. Just try not to get banished to the shadow realm like he did, though.

What’s your opinion on Ofnir’s character in Elden Ring? We’d love to know about it in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 383

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.