“I’ve been playing FPS all my life…”: Even Call of Duty is Trumped by Concord in 1 Very Specific and Unique Way That Could Make it a Contender for FPS GotY

It's time for Activision to start taking notes!

call of duty, concord


  • Concord is PlayStation's upcoming hero-shooter title.
  • Since the reveal, the game has been criticized by gamers.
  • However, it brings many features which could make it the Game of the Year.
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There’s no doubt that 2024 is shaping up to be a solid year for Sony in terms of live service games. Firewalk Studios is planning to debut Concord, its first PvP shooter, globally in August 2024.


Currently, the game has an ongoing beta weekend, which, despite its many issues, is being praised by gamers for its unique features and accessibility options. One of these features even outclasses Call of Duty and establishes the game as one of the possible Game of the Year contenders!

Concord’s Sound System Completely OvershadowsCall of Duty Games

Concord logo
Concord has a perfect audio system. (Image via PlayStation)

It’s a known fact that the Call of Duty franchise is a staple in the gaming landscape at this point. While the developers have done many things right, players have been dealing with annoying audio issues since the first game in the franchise. Complaints about lack of footstep audio have been a common refrain amongst the community for ages.


After its reveal of Sony’s State of Play, Concord has had no shortage of criticism aimed at fans. The live-service hero shooter has often been compared to Call of Duty.

Although it surely lacks in some departments, Firewalk Studios has nailed the game’s sound system, which is being praised by everyone who has experienced the Concord beta.

Props to the sound team
byu/TheSystolicGem inConcordGame

Sound design is one of the most vital aspects of any video game, especially for FPS titles. In such games, a perfected sound system can help players effectively track the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and footsteps, which are all important cues to navigate through various challenges and react quickly to threats.


It’s great to see that Firewalk Studio has done such a great job with Concord‘s audio system. Fans can hope it continues this momentum and establishes the title as a clear-cut winner for this year’s Game of the Year award!

It’s time for Activision to learn from Concord and improve its audio system in the upcoming Black Ops 6.

Concord Won’t Abandon PSN Linking Requirements

Characters in Concord
Sony won’t abandon its PSN linking requirements. (Image via PlayStation)

Helldivers 2 players will never forget the controversy against the PSN mandate when it was first levied for Arrowhead’s title back in May. Although Sony backtracked on the rule after the immense backlash, it established that its future PlayStation titles on PC would follow the same requirement.


Many gamers still can’t understand why Sony is bent upon imposing a PSN requirement on PC users in the first place. The question was answered by the hero-shooter’s leading character designer, Jon Weisnewski, in an interview with Eurogamer.

The goal is for players to come together,

And so for us to have PC players and PlayStation 5 players together, for that crossplay and cross-progression to work, that’s a layer that needs to be there – just on a technical level

Although it’s quite a controversial subject, Firewalk’s answer about its game requiring a PlayStation Network account on PC is welcome, nonetheless. It’ll be interesting to see if Sony’s eagerness to fold PC gamers into PSN could turn some away from the hero-shooter.

Are you excited about Firewalk’s hero-shooter? Let us know in the comments what you think about this game.


Written by Dhruv Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 185

Dhruv has been an avid gamer all his life, with an emphasis on multiplayer titles. After switching to PC, he has dabbled in the world of GTA Online ever since its release. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.