“No, I’m not comfortable with that”: Katherine Heigl Refused to Apologize Even After She Was Called Rude and Mean in Hollywood

Katherine Heigl does not think that she is a rude person.

Katherine Heigl


  • Over the years, Katherine Heigl has gained a reputation for being a rude actress.
  • During an interview, the actress decided to address these accusations head-on.
  • From her perspective, it would seem that these words are purely based on sexism and she is simply someone with strict boundaries.
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Being labeled as ‘difficult to work with’ is similar to a career death sentence in Hollywood. These words are often used to describe women who stand up for themselves and set boundaries in the workplace. While many have acknowledged the sexism behind these words, the effect they have on careers is unfortunately still lasting. Katherine Heigl was one such victim, being labeled as a ‘rude’ actress by a few she has worked with in the past.

Katherine Heigl and Seth Rogen in a still from Knocked Up | Apatow Productions
Katherine Heigl and Seth Rogen in a still from Knocked Up | Apatow Productions

While many would stay quiet and never address these allegations, hoping that they would eventually get swept under the rug, that is simply not how Heigl functions. The actress addressed these issues head-on during interviews, challenging the mindset that caused them to exist in the first place.

Katherine Heigl Does Not Think the Accusations Are True

Over the years, there have been many who have come out of the woodwork to call Grey’s Anatomy actress, Katherine Heigl rude or difficult to work with. Since the entire conversation came in waves, the actress was forced to address it during interviews for other projects. One of the most famous examples is her appearance on The Meredith Vieira Show. Being straight-up asked if she was rude, the actress decided that she had had enough and wanted to set the record straight.


You know what, I’ve been saying I don’t think I am, but I’m going to be really honest right now: I’m not. I know I’m not. I don’t need to think about it. I’m not a rude person, I’m not an unkind or mean person.

Katherine Heigl in a still from Knocked Up | Apatow Productions
Katherine Heigl in a still from Knocked Up | Apatow Productions

She mentioned that she had heard a lot about the accusations and thought long and hard about them. Having done great introspection, she did not think that they were based on reality. Knowing herself and her actions, through and through, Heigl stated that she did not think that she was a rude person and would never go out of her way to hurt anyone.

I would never go out of my way or consciously hurt anyone’s feelings or make them feel bad or uncomfortable or not be professional and do my job – I like my job.

Katherine Heigl as Izzie Stevens in Grey's Anatomy
Katherine Heigl as Izzie Stevens in Grey’s Anatomy I ABC

She was made very aware of her actions, and looking back, the actress emphasized the fact that they did not come from a place of malice.

What Was Motivating Katherine Heigl’s Actions?

After trying to clear her name, Katherine Heigl then went on to talk about what she thought to be the root cause of these rumors. While she does not think of herself as a rude person, she is a very avid setter of boundaries. In professional settings, boundaries can often be crossed if they are not made explicitly clear, and people can end up doing things or asking for something that the other person is simply not comfortable with.


I will continue to stand up for myself. And I’m not going to stop standing up for my right to be heard, my right to be treated respectfully and professionally in return, my right to draw boundaries.

Katherine Heigl in The Ugly Truth
Katherine Heigl in The Ugly Truth I Columbia Pictures

Not wanting to end up in such a situation, Heigl seems to be very vocal about the things she is okay with doing and the things that she is not. While many may not be happy with this, it is very important and should not be considered a rude thing to do.

I am a strong woman and I’m not going to apologize for that and I’m not going to, on behalf of my daughters.

Heigl in a still from Grey's Anatomy
Heigl in a still from Grey’s Anatomy I ABC

The actress further added that she finds this practice to be very important when it comes to her daughters. Wanting to set a good example for them, she wants them to know that it is okay to not do something when you are not comfortable with it.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1302

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.