“She is genuinely this sweet all the time”: Karen Fukuhara aka Kimiko Makes Jeep Owners Proud With Her Sweetest “Duck Duck Jeep” Gesture

Could Karen Fukuhara be any more cooler?

karen fukuhara, kimiko, the boys


  • While talking to content creator Daniel Mac in her Jeep, Karen Fukuhara gave him a rubber duck as a gift.
  • Clearly, Fukuhara is in on the ‘Duck Duck Jeep’ trend where Jeep owners place rubber ducks on each other’s vehicles.
  • The trend was started by late Allison Parliament as an act of kindness.
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Can’t speak for anyone else but in our opinion, Karen Fukuhara’s Kimiko is a top-tier The Boys character. Without uttering a word, the character managed to capture our hearts right from the get-go and our love for her is still going strong four seasons in. Now of course, Kimiko is a very intimidating character, and those who have faced her wrath know that she is not one to be messed with.

Karen Fukuhara as Kimiko in The Boys | Prime Video

However, much like how Homelander and Antony Starr are completely opposite from each other, Kimiko and Karen Fukuhara are too. We have time and again seen in interviews that the actress is actually the sweetest soul ever and she just proved this fact again after we learnt that she also participates in the adorable ‘Duck Duck Jeep’ trend.

Karen Fukuhara Carries Rubber Ducks in her Jeep

Karen Fukuhara in the boys
A still from The Boys | Prime Video

Content creator Daniel Mac posted a reel on Instagram that showed him “running into” The BoysKaren Fukuhara. And unlike what her name may suggest, Fukuhara actually seems to be the sweetest person ever.


Following a popular trend, Mac asked the actress, “What do you do for a living?” to which she adorably replied, “I pretend I have superpowers.” Fukuhara was driving a Jeep Wrangler and after engaging in conversation for a bit with Mac, she proceeded to give him a gift he’ll remember for a lifetime – a rubber duck which is a symbol in the Jeep community.

Fukuhara casually whipped out two awesome rubber ducks from her car and gave one of them to Mac, potentially making his day.


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Fans found the interaction between Mac and Fukuhara so wholesome that they couldn’t help themselves from commenting on how sweet the actress really is, contrary to what her character may seem like.


Here’s what some of them commented:

@agent-fox-maider – I have met a few people that have worked with this girl. I have not once heard a negative thing about her. Apparently she is genuinely this sweet all the time.

@rotapeter – she seems so sweet and happy to chat!

@gerrad.ssh – She’s sweet, the fact that she asked for his name and gave him a souvenir. Class.

@cory_mulligan_ – That’s gotta be the most down to earth chick ever. Just rolls around in a jeep with rubber ducks lol.

@kagan.dunlap – Wholesome

Everyone seems to be in love with Fukuhara and her personality and we are so here for it!

The Story Behind Rubber Ducks and Jeeps

Allison Parliament
Allison Parliament | Via @officialduckingjeepest2020 on Instagram

It all started with Allison Parliament who unknowingly gave birth to one of the most wholesome trends of today after going through a terrifying encounter.


In an interview with Jeep Talk Show, Parliament stated that she would always prank her other half by hiding things around the house for him to find, and rubber ducks were going to be her next prank. While out with the ducks, she came across a Jeep just like hers and decided to put a note and a duck on it in hopes of making the owner’s day a little bit better.

She was caught in the act but the owner was a great sport about it and they decided to post it on social media with the hashtag, #DuckDuckJeep. And that’s how the trend began.

She once stated that while people may do this trend for tons of different reasons, she started it as an act of kindness.


Jeeps get ducked for many reasons and with lots of motivations and meanings. For me, it was an act of kindness, a healing of sorts, as well as recognition of and greeting to a fellow Jeep owner. But it can just be that you like their Jeep, or it’s the same Jeep you have, or maybe a classic Jeep you would like to own one day. You don’t really need a reason for Jeep ducking other than to connect, bring a smile to someone’s face, and have fun.

Parliament sadly passed away last month on June 22. However, she certainly left the world a little bit better than she found it. Even Fukuhara jumped in on her trend!

Stream The Boys on Prime Video.


Written by Mishkaat Khan

Articles Published: 1294

Mishkaat is a medical student who found solace in content writing. Having worked in the industry for about three years, she has written about everything from medicine to literature and is now happy to enlight you about the world of entertainment. She has written over a thousand articles for FandomWire. When not writing, she can be found obsessing over the world of the supernatural through books and TV.