“Who are the celebrities? I hope it’s not a Kardashian”: Zooey Deschanel Revealed Prince Had 1 Condition for His New Girl Cameo That Forced Producers to Burn Evidence

Prince’s cameo on New Girl came with a wild demand, leading to Kardashian scenes being scrapped.

Prince New Girl


  • Prince’s cameo on New Girl came with a surprising condition: no Kardashians allowed. Producers had to burn evidence.
  • The sitcom's producers complied by removing scenes featuring Khloe Kardashian and Kris Jenner to appease Prince.
  • PrPrince’s Netflix documentary is on hold due to family disputes over its length and portrayal.
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Actress Zooey Deschanel’s latest revelation has fans buzzing with intrigue and amusement. It turns out Prince, the legendary musician, had a unique condition for his cameo on New Girl—absolutely no Kardashians! This surprising request left the show’s producers scrambling to comply, even going so far as to burn evidence of the controversial condition. 

Prince | Image by nicolas genin, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Let’s dive into this quirky behind-the-scenes story and explore how the artist’s demands shaped his unforgettable appearance on the beloved sitcom.

Prince’s New Girl cameo almost got killed by Kardashian feud, and here’s why

Prince | Image by nicolas genin, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Prince performing at Coachella | Image by penner, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Remember that epic Prince cameo on New Girl that skyrocketed ratings? Turns out, it almost didn’t happen, and the reason is literally shocking. Buckle up, because this story involves reality TV royalty getting royally dissed!


It’s no surprise that the late pop icon had a strong distaste for the Kardashians. During the 2011 Welcome 2 Tour performance, he even refused to perform with Kim K and kicked her off stage. New Girl star Zooey Deschanel spilled the tea on Monday’s episode of Conan about the sitcom’s behind-the-scenes drama. 

Apparently, Prince had a very specific rider for his guest spot: absolutely no Kardashians and no stars of their TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Deschanel revealed (via NME):

It turns out that someone from Prince’s camp said ‘Who are the celebrities? I hope it’s not a Kardashian’. It’s really sad because Khloe Kardashian and Kris Jenner had very kindly come in and shot [a] scene… I felt so bad because everyone had gone out of their way to be there on that day, but Prince was running the show.

This came after the show had already filmed a scene with Khloe Kardashian and Kris Jenner. Here’s the kicker: to appease the Purple Rain singer, the producers burned everything that showed the Kardashians were there, including scripts, video, and other evidence. 


The drama, thankfully, didn’t scare Prince away. His appearance and performance made the cameo great, and the episode got 26M viewers, which is a huge increase from the normal 3–4M. Although Prince wasn’t a fan of the Kardashians, this does show that even Hollywood A-listers have to bend the knee (or, in this case, ditch the reality TV crew) from time to time. 

Late icon Prince’s Netflix documentary on ice due to family feud

Levi & Prince
Levi & Prince | Image by Levi Seacer, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

The highly anticipated Netflix project exploring the late Purple Rain icon’s life is reportedly on hold due to a family feud within his estate (via Digital Music News).

Here’s the breakdown: The nine-hour-long documentary, directed by Ezra Edelman, is caught in a crossfire between two groups controlling Prince’s legacy. Allegedly, the estate is unhappy with the film’s length, which is double what was agreed upon. On top of that, there are whispers of discontent about how his family is portrayed in certain parts of the film. Netflix, however, has stayed silent on the documentary’s future. 


Watch the 2011 sitcom series New Girl only on Peacock.


Written by Heena Singh

Articles Published: 106

Heena Singh is a writer at FandomWire, spent the last two years making waves in entertainment journalism. With a knack for digging up blockbuster celebrity scoops and an uncanny nose for the latest buzz, Heena’s articles bring a fresh and fun perspective to life. When she’s not conquering writing challenges, you’ll find her curled up in bed, peacefully sleeping.