“This sounds bad and for once I’m glad It doesn’t exist”: Activision Blizzard Made the Right Move in Canceling 1 Call of Duty Game, with Scores of Fans Hating on Leaks

Are fans and a studio in agreement about something?

“This sounds bad and for once I'm glad It doesn't exist”: Activision Blizzard Made the Right Move in Canceling Call of Duty: Zombies, with Scores of Fans Hating on Leaks


  • A popular YouTuber made an interview with a former Activision Blizzard developer, revealing a cancelled project that never even mentioned outside papers.
  • It would have been a Call of Duty Zombies standalone experience, with an open map, customization, and more.
  • Fans agree with the company's decision to not release this title, saying it would have been a failure.
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With only four months into the current year, two canceled Call of Duty projects were leaked with only one month between each other. In the last couple of days, fans discovered, thanks to an interview, that Activision Blizzard was considering making a standalone Call of Duty Zombies title. 


Raven Software would have been in charge of the project, but the mother company decided not to go with this game; not even alpha tests were developed; it only reached a paper idea. For the first time, fans are agreeing with the fact that this game was not released.

The Call of Duty Zombies standalone project made fans agree with Activision Blizzard about canceling the game

Activision Blizzard, make the right decision in cancelling Call of Duty Zombies.
Activision Blizzard, make the right decision in canceling Call of Duty Zombies.

Not all the titles that Activision Blizzard makes from its most popular franchise are good; there are several Call of Duty titles that do not meet the fan’s expectations, including the current Modern Warfare 3. Apparently, there is also room for canceled projects. A couple of weeks ago, a title that would have been a replacement for Ghosts was revealed, but this project was canceled very far into development.


There was another project that had also been canceled but had not even left the design documents stage. Raven Software was in talks about developing a Zombies standalone game, one of the most popular modes in this franchise.


YouTuber Glitching Queen had an interview with a former developer of the studio that revealed information about this canceled game that never even had a chance to be released.

The fan reactions only confirm that this was a good decision

Call of Duty Black Ops Gulf War is rumored to be the next title in the franchise.
Call of Duty Black Ops Gulf War is rumored to be the next title in the franchise.

A popular X account that covers all Call of Duty Zombies leaks and news made a post with a list of all the features that this project has. With some kind of open map, character customization, and new seasons, up to four players can co-op.

All these mechanics make fans reply to this post, talking about how the company made a good call in canceling the project. User Fall_Cake said, “No offense but this sounds bad.”


Other users keep agreeing about this, saying that the project has no future and that not even Call of Duty core players will have played this standalone experience. Even how the angle of the game was planned would have made fans mad about being full of microtransactions with a possible Battle Pass. The studio’s focus on competing with the success of the battle royale genre led to the cancellation of the title.

According to rumors, the next game in the franchise will make players go back to the Black Ops saga. Rumors suggest that Black Ops Gulf War, the next game in the series, will take place after Black Ops 2. This game will also have a zombie mode with new additions that will change several details in the Warzone mode. The studio will probably reveal the release date later this year, after the second half.

What are your thoughts about this canceled project? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 819

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.