“Alright, but what is the purpose?”: Mike Tyson Humiliated Steven Seagal’s 100 Years Old Martial Art, Declared Overwhelming Power Beats Technique

Mike Tyson Humiliated Steven Seagal's 100 Years Old Martial Art, Declared Overwhelming Power Beats Technique
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Mike Tyson is a legendary, yet controversial public figure, best known for his boxing career as ‘Iron Mike’. He has made a name for himself as an exceptionally skilled and talented individual in the world of boxing and martial art. His work in the boxing ring has made him one of the most famous personalities in sports.

Mike Tyson is one of the best boxers the world has ever seen
Mike Tyson

Being this good at what he did in his prime, it was certainly a big move when Tyson went on live television and humiliated martial artist turned actor, Steven Seagal’s 100-year-old martial art practice, Aikido.

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Mike Tyson Showed TV Show Host How To Take Down An Opponent

During an interview with Dick Cavett on The Dick Cavett Show, Mike Tyson was asked to teach to television host how to take down an opponent who was bigger than one’s self. Tyson gladly complied, moving to a more open space where he started to teach Cavett how one’s shorter height can be used as an advantage. Cavett said,

Mike Tyson in the boxing ring
Mike Tyson in the boxing ring

“Can you show me why not being as tall as the other guy can be an advantage?

He elaborated this by stating that the taller the person is, the bigger disadvantage they will have to aim lower to hit their target, while the shorter person, if calm enough, can take their time and try to spot weaknesses in their opponent’s physique. He was then asked if he looks his opponents in their eyes, to which he stated that he does not look at their faces as their faces cannot hit him, choosing to instead look at their upper body as a whole.

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Mike Tyson Insults 100-Year-Old Martial Art

It was at this point in the interview when Dick Cavett revealed that he was also well-trained in a form of martial arts, Aikido. He added that he wanted to show Mike Tyson something he had learned from his training, asking the boxer to hold both his hands as tight as he could. He stated that if the 87-year-old founder of Aikido went head-to-head against Tyson, who he called the World’s Strongest Man, the founder would win due to the technique that he was about to show the audience.

Mike Tyson at an event
Mike Tyson

“Alright, but what is the purpose? No one’s gonna mug you; Nobody’s gonna go like this?”

Cavett took his right hand, which was being held by Tyson’s left, and pushed it over the boxer’s left shoulder, which resulted in his hand freeing. While this technique may have impressed some, Tyson was not having it and stated that it was quite stupid as if someone was trying to rob you, they would not hold your hands the way Cavett asked him to hold his.

Also Read: “That should be an interesting match”: Boxing Legend Mike Tyson Knows Who’s Gonna Get Stomped in Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Sylvester Stallone Fight


Source: Youtube


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1335

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.