Attack on Titan’s Anime Saved Armin’s Character from Going Through Destructive Changes as in the Manga

The necessary changes made to Armin's character during the final episode of the series saved it from destructive changes.

Attack on Titan’s Anime Saved Armin’s Character from Going Through Destructive Changes as in the Manga


  • The conversation between Eren and Armin changes drastically in the final episode of the Attack on Titan.
  • Eren accepts his mistakes and admits he did not have any other choice.
  • Armin rejects the idea of mass genocide and solidifies his virtues as compared to the manga.
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With Attack on Titan’s final episode out, the series has finally come to an end and cemented its place as one of the best anime of all time. However, the end of the series was very controversial as it seemed to contradict many characters’ thinking in the manga, but luckily they changed it in the anime.

Armin and Eren
Eren and Armin

One of the major issues with the ending was about Armin and how he thanked Eren for becoming a mass murderer for their sake, which goes against his character virtues. Luckily, with Isiyama being involved in the production, they managed to change it and make it understandable and clear to the audience.

Read More: “I had it in mind from the get-go”: Despite Wanting to Redo the Ending, Attack on Titan’s Conclusion Had Been Set in Stone from the Very Beginning


Changes in dialogues between Eren and Armin in the final episode of Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan received hate due to chapter 139 and how it did not connect with the audience. The conversation between Eren and Armin did not make sense, and Armin was trying hard to portray Eren as a savior.

In chapter 139 of the manga, instead of pointing out how wrong genocide is, Armin decides to accept it and even thanks Eren for doing it.

The final shot of Attack On Titan
The final shot of Attack On Titan

On the other hand, Eren in the manga refused to admit his wrongdoing and did not apologize for his actions either.


However, the final episode of the series did justice to both of their characters, as Armin outright rejected the idea of rumbling and mass genocide, and even Eren himself admitted he was wrong.

This change made sure to save Armin’s character and made sure he did not behave out of character as he did in the manga, and the fans were glad about the changes that were made.

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Armin’s character throughout the series

Armin, from the very beginning of the series, has been one of the most intelligent and righteous characters in the story. This can be seen when he was being bullied by other kids; instead of resorting to violence, he decided to endure it.

Even during the Return to Shiganshina arc, he was the one who pinched the idea of having a conversation with Reiner and others instead of killing them. Therefore, he has always been against taking the lives of others because their opinions are different.

Attack on Titan
A still from Attack on Titan

In chapter 139, it was very confusing for the audience to see how Armin acted and behaved with Eren, despite his entire character being built on righteousness and saving everyone.


With the necessary changes made to the final episode, Armin’s character finally got the closure it required and even highlighted that Eren’s action was never right in the first place and why he should not be seen as a hero.

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Written by Jiyad Shaikh

Articles Published: 291

Greetings! I'm a 19-year-old data science student who's deeply passionate about anime and manga. When I'm not crunching numbers, you can find me immersed in the world of AMV video editing, where I blend my love for storytelling with creativity. Join me on this exciting journey where data and anime collide!