“Let it go, it’s holding the games back”: Maybe Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Won’t be the Next Gen Revelation Fans Were Hoping for after Distressing Info Comes to Light

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be available on previous generation hardware and the community is in disbelief.

Call of Duty Black Ops Adler


  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be available on the PlayStation 4 as per the pre-order listings.
  • The gaming community fear the quality of the game will be held back and will damage the brand.
  • The PlayStation 4 is still relevant today which makes this generation rather confusing.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is scheduled to be released later this year and the gaming community is getting ready. Previous entries have shown the amount of detail and content that could strain the hardware but the developers managed to cut some corners for one specific console.


The PlayStation 4 will turn 11 years old this year but it can somehow run modern triple-A games. Although it is not the ideal way for gaming, Sony designed and built one decent console that stood against the test of time but could be biting more than it can chew for the latest CoD.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Is Coming to the PlayStation 4

The decade-old PlayStation 4 is capable of running the latest Call of Duty.
The decade-old PlayStation 4 is capable of running the latest Call of Duty.

Leaks regarding the game are slowly emerging but this one bit of news came as a surprise. Previous installments of the Call of Duty franchise have shown a great level of detail with the in-game physics and it is impressive that the developers were able to make certain changes that would allow the PS4 console to run these ambitious and visually demanding games.


The current generation began four years ago and the game industry has yet to fully transition to the present. Games being developed today are still optimized for older consoles which clashes with the idea of buying a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X/S if the games they are looking forward to will be made available for the consoles they have today.


Not everyone can afford a new console but the opinions of this specific user are quite valid. Developers are willing to sacrifice the quality to avoid the players who are still using older consoles feeling left out but it shouldn’t be worth the cost of the game being held back.

Previous entries have shown the intense graphics and level of detail which will be difficult to achieve on the PlayStation 4. The console may be powerful but the architecture is outdated and the hardware will be running on fumes to get a decent and stable frame rate without question.

Call of Duty Should Fully Transition to the Next Generation

Treyarch and Raven Software should learn to let go and let the Call of Duty franchise grow in this generation.
Treyarch and Raven Software should learn to let go and let the Call of Duty franchise grow in this generation.

There is no shame in reminiscing good memories but it should be about moving forward. The PlayStation 4 had a remarkable run over the last decade, but it is time for developers to focus on what is in front.


Choosing not to abandon the players of the last generation is a noble sentiment but it does hold the franchise back. Microsoft has the opportunity to redeem the franchise and the changes seen was evidence of that from the cover art and setting.

It is only apt to make this project the first next-generation entry. Perhaps the PS4 can run the game but the experience wouldn’t be comparable to what players can have on current systems.

The brand will be tarnished because the developers refuse to do what is best for the game and the hardware will be strained when it should be replaced.


Would you play the new Call of Duty on a PS4? Let us know in the comments section below!



Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 610

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.