Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 4 Zombies Reportedly Throwing Everything We Know Out the Window

Call of Duty fans are on the fence with the Season 4 Zombies.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Season 4 Zombies


  • New information regarding Season 4 zombies in Call of Duty has fans hoping it will be as good as they expect.
  • Activision is reportedly adding an ambitious spin with round-based zombies for Modern Warfare 3 Season 4.
  • Call of Duty fans are hoping the developers will deliver a satisfying experience with zombies.
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Call of Duty fans have been begging to see the franchise go back to its former glory but the developers keep finding creative ways to deviate from its roots. Activision is preparing to roll out new content for the next season and it may not appeal to everyone but it could be something big.


The zombies content became a favorite among the fans and it is what most of them are looking forward to. News about it for the next season has emerged and it is quite a head-scratcher if most of these details will come to pass. Fans think the developers bit more than they can chew.

Zombies Are on the Top of the Call of Duty Season 4 Menu

Call of Duty players are skeptical about the zombies in Season 4.
Call of Duty players are skeptical about the zombies in Season 4.

Some details about the complicated history of the concept of zombies resurfaced and the gaming community nearly lost the round-based game mode earlier due to behind-the-scenes drama. The upcoming season is seemingly planning to capitalize on this idea again and the shared details are quite ambitious but the players are not all that convinced.


The inclusion of unstable rifts may be a step too far and it seems like Activision has no qualms about reusing older assets and ideas in the current games. The idea that players can team up and fight hordes of the undead is exciting only if the mechanics are as good.


Perhaps the gaming community should wait for the next game where more promising details regarding the zombies are far more believable and could potentially be the best one yet. Round-based zombies is a highly-requested feature by fans to bring back but it seems like it is a significant change and only time will tell if it is an upgrade or a downgrade.

If this is successful, this could help redeem the franchise and bring back a good portion of the players who stopped playing. Players will be tempted to return to try out the new content next season.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Season 4 Needs to Do Zombies Right

Players are managing expectations for zombies in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Season 4.
Players are managing expectations for zombies in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Season 4.

It should be an easier task to come up with new content since the developers are prioritizing the multiplayer aspect over the single-player campaign. Perhaps the franchise could abandon the idea if players are more interested in competitive gaming.


Fans should also expect to see Gundam-related stuff in the next season since the developers confirmed the crossover. Appealing to a different fanbase is a great way to gain more traction and improve the brand.

The developers have a lot of pressure on their backs and the following season should have something that will impress the players. The execution of the idea is just as important as planning it.

It is best to keep expectations in check to avoid disappointment if the next season fails to give players the experience they want. Season 4 is coming in the next few days and Activision better land the bird.


Are you excited for the next season of Call of Duty? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 607

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.