Call of Duty: Warzone Could Be a Source of Inspiration for Helldivers 2 with New Mission Types Needed More Than Any Amount of Warbonds

The Helldivers 2 takes inspiration from Call of Duty for a new mission type.

call of duty warzone, helldivers 2


  • The gaming community is taking inspiration from Call of Duty for newer mission types in Helldivers 2.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios is struggling to keep the game alive while the community is still hopeful.
  • Director Johan Pilestedt continues to be blown away by the creativity of Helldivers 2 players.
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Helldivers 2 has set the standard for the definitive live service experience. The gaming community is doing its part to ensure the game lives up to the hype by sharing ideas with developers inspired by other great multiplayer games available in the market.


The players have come up with a great idea that involves teamwork and coordination with other squads to capture a facility that is taken over by hostile forces that are reminiscent of Capture the Flag game modes and from Call of Duty, in this case, capture a facility from the enemy.

Players Reflect on Call of Duty for Helldivers 2 Ideas

Helldivers 2 could benefit from another game that is all about patriotism and liberty.
Helldivers 2 could benefit from another game that is all about patriotism and liberty.

The gaming community has noticed a drastic decline in the quality of Helldivers 2 and can tell that Arrowhead Game Studios is struggling to keep the game afloat amidst all the controversies. Fortunately, the community is not willing to give up on the game and constantly shared ideas and the most recent one could be the best one yet.


byu/jbobm inHelldivers

The suggested mission idea does have the vibes from a Call of Duty game and it is time for the developers to start thinking outside the box. Players are after a heart-pounding experience and capturing a facility with an endless horde of enemies will suffice, another player even suggested a blitz-play mission where players will have to secure special cargo by going in hard and getting out quickly.

Arrowhead Game Studios could do significantly better with the mission variety department and this idea could improve the state of the game and a solution for the dwindling player count. There is no shame in taking inspiration or borrowing concepts from other games and it is a necessity to keep the community interested and ensure the longevity of the project for the foreseeable future.


Helldivers 2 Is Getting Support From Players and Developers

Helldivers 2 requires some improvements for mission variety.
Helldivers 2 requires some improvements for mission variety.

Creativity is essential in this form of game and the developers are spread too thin and are running on fumes in that department. Perhaps it would be wise to listen to suggestions and consider adding them to the game to elevate the experience and make this game a unionized project between the gaming community and game developers.

Director Johan Pilestedt would often interact and engage with the players as they took the opportunity to share other ideas like a blinding stratagem that would temporarily blur the vision of enemies in the field and some endgame activities.

Some players have spent quite a few hours in the game and have collected more than enough resources for themselves, it would be democratic for them to share these resources and properly allocate them through a voting system.


It will only be a matter of time before the players will grow bored of what the game has to offer which is why it is prudent for Arrowhead to always be at least a few steps ahead and plan for something new. The fans are doing their part and hope the developers will meet them halfway.

Would you like to see more mission types inspired by Call of Duty: Warzone be integrated into Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments section below!



Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 622

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.