Daniel Day-Lewis Felt Intimidated By Snoop Dogg Without Even Meeting Him Once: “He’s very cool”

The actor had used the rapper's songs, among others, to prepare for the role of Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York

daniel day-lewis felt intimidated by snoop dogg without even meeting him once


  • Daniel Day-Lewis is an iconic actor with great movies credited to his name, including Gangs of New York, which was his comeback
  • To prepare for the role the actor listened to many rap artist including Snoop Dogg and thought the rapper was really cool, despite never meeting him
  • The actor asked his interviewer to say hello for him to the rapper also adding that he doesn't think the rapper knows who he is
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It is difficult to imagine someone who has not heard of Daniel Day-Lewis. The celebrated Academy Award-winning actor has been in numerous widely acclaimed films such as Gandhi, Gangs of New York, and Lincoln. The now-retired actor has distinguished himself not only on screen but also on the stage.

Daniel Day-Lewis retired from acting at the age of 60
Daniel Day-Lewis retired from acting at the age of 60

It is inconceivable that someone might intimidate Day-Lewis, given the star’s exhaustive and overwhelming filmography. However, the actor himself, in his humbleness, thinks that that could be the case. Further, he directs this modest attitude towards Snoop Dogg, expecting the rapper to not know who he is.

Also Read: Snoop Dogg’s Decision to Quit Smoking Has Fans Thinking They’re in a Different Reality


Daniel Day-Lewis thinks Snoop Dogg is cool

Snoop Dogg

Daniel Day-Lewis has a very distinct taste in music. Some of the names on the artist’s playlist might not be the ones that you would associate with someone who is into Shakespearean theatre. The actor has described music as a very important part of his career, as he is known to use music as a way to supplement his method acting. The actor, for his role in Gangs of New York, had a peculiar playlist, including the likes of Eminem and Snoop Dogg. When mentioned by his interviewer (via Rolling Stone) that Snoop Dogg would be his next interviewee, the actor, very humbly, said:

“Will you, from this great distance, pay my respects? He won’t know who the f*** I am, but I think he’s very cool,”

When we think of actors or even famous personalities coexisting, it is difficult to view them as anything but friends. More often than not when celebrities talk about each other, it often comes out as if they are fans just like everyone else because more often than not, they actually are.

Also Read: “I’ve been tracking this dude for years”: Not Snoop Dogg, Jamie Foxx Refused Doing Day Shift Without ‘Now You See Me’ Star 


Daniel Day-Lewis uses a lot more than just music to prepare for his roles

Leonardo DiCaprio as Amsterdam Vallon and Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York
Leonardo DiCaprio as Amsterdam Vallon and Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York

Leonardo DiCaprio revealed to Cheat Sheet the extent to which Day-Lewis would go to stay in character. The actor allegedly was in his character until 2 weeks after the shooting of Gangs of New York had wrapped. The actor said:

“It was like two days before we started shooting, and you know, we’d been saying, ‘Hi Daniel,’ ‘Hi Marty,’ ‘Good morning,’ stuff like that. I said, ‘Morning Daniel,’ and he went, [grunts]. I said, ‘Oh s***,’ game on.'”

The actor also came down with a case of pneumonia, due to his insistence on wearing only period-accurate clothes. The actor continued to film a brawl scene even after his nose was broken, showing his dedication to his craft. With such commitment and grit to play each role to perfection, it is a mystery how the actor could think that someone might be unaware of him, much less Snoop Dogg.


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 777

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.