Death Stranding 2 Gets Exciting Update From The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus for Those Who Were Expecting Another Walking Simulator

Sam Porter Dixon loves the in-game barking robot dogs.

Death Stranding 2 Gets Exciting Update From The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus for Those Who Were Expecting Another Walking Simulator


  • Norman Reedus returns as Sam Porter Bridges in Death Stranding 2.
  • Putting fans' minds at ease, he stated that the sequel has more violence than the first game.
  • The original Death Stranding is often considered to be a glorified walking simulator.
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It took a long time, but things have finally started to move a bit quicker for Death Stranding 2, especially after Sony’s massive State of Play event last month. The star of The Walking Dead, Norman Reedus, is back in the shoes of Sam, as he returns as the protagonist and the poster child for Hideo Kojima’s highly anticipated upcoming sequel.


However, one major complaint that players have to this day about the original Death Stranding is that it felt more like a boring and monotonous walking simulator than an actual action video game, and the worries are still alive and well for the next installment.

Death Stranding 2 May Be Bigger Than Fans Originally Thought

The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus returns as Sam Porter Bridges in the upcoming Death Stranding 2.
Reedus returns as Sam Porter Bridges in the upcoming Death Stranding 2.

The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus recently appeared on the latest episode of HideoTube, a series that Hideo Kojima shares with his fans on social media and YouTube. In the almost two-minute clip, Reedus is seen talking about different aspects of the upcoming Death Stranding 2, which, to some extent, should put some of the community’s worries at ease.


If it was not clear enough from the huge trailer that dropped at Sony’s latest State of Play event, Sam Porter Bridges himself acknowledges that “there is a lot of new stuff going on” in the second Death Stranding game.

But one thing that might suggest that Death Stranding 2 may not just be yet another glorified walking simulator is Norman Reedus’ focus on his love for the different types of guns in the game. Fans already got a glimpse of the extensive armoury that Lea Seydoux’s Fragile has prepared on the ship for Sam, but this could mean that the game will feature at least some segments with intense gunplay and battles.

Reedus also mentioned how players would be able to sell their weapons all across the game’s world, as the planet has already been messed up and people need whatever chance they can get to survive.


Hideo Kojima Is Even Keeping Some Things Secret From the Protagonist Himself

Even Sam Porter Bridges himself has some surprises waiting for him in the second Death Stranding instalment.
Even Sam Porter Bridges himself has some surprises waiting for him in the second Death Stranding installment.

Continuing with his take on how Death Stranding 2 will be different, Norman Reedus stated that there was something very “open and calm about” the first game, but the second installment is set to “have a bit more violence in it.”

Knowing the unpredictability of creator Hideo Kojima, it is not clear exactly what kind of violence the upcoming sequel could have, but Reedus’ statement should excite fans and get them prepared for a lot more combat.

It is interesting to note that the protagonist himself does not know everything about the Death Stranding sequel, as he explains that even while being in the game, there are some surprises waiting for him and the players.


Did you play and enjoy the original Death Stranding, or do you also think that it was a glorified walking simulator? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Osama Farooq

Articles Published: 339

Extensively talking about everything pop culture is something Osama truly enjoys doing, so when it started to get a little annoying in person, he joined FandomWire and found a whole community to share his thoughts with. He consumes media in almost all forms, including linear story-based video games (The Last of Us), hip-hop/R&B music (The Weeknd), top-tier television (Better Call Saul), classic movies (Superbad), as well as reading books and watching anime.