Did Borderlands 4 Just Get Announced?

No official announcement yet, but this is as good as it gets.

Did Borderlands 4 Just Get Announced?


  • Randy Pitchford might just have dropped the biggest hint of Borderlands 4 being in the works.
  • The official fan account has started posting recaps of old franchise entries that fueled fan speculation.
  • There has been no official news of Borderlands 4 yet, upsetting fans all around.
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Borderlands 4 might be in the cards for an official announcement soon if Gearbox founder Randy Pitchford’s comments are any indication. The popular franchise is set for a movie adaptation to be released on 8th August 2024. So, the signs are that Gearbox would want to make use of the hype train to release another Borderlands game.


While he did not name anything specific, he stated that he and his studio are involved in creating something that is going to be their best project to date. And point to be noted here is that he did not have to talk about it. But he made sure he gave fans just enough to keep them hooked for the next installment in the franchise. However, it is all speculation as no official statement has been released on any of the official Borderlands channels on community forums.

Randy Pitchford’s Words and What They Could Mean

Borderlands trailer scene

While speaking to Katie Reul, Randy Pitchford spoke in detail about the upcoming project by his studio. But the interesting part is, he was not asked about it. In reply to being asked which Borderlands entry is his favorite, he said,


Look, we haven’t even announced anything of it. Clearly, we’re working on something. And I know what we’re working on, and holy shit… It’s the greatest thing we’ve ever done. And I can’t wait, but it’s not time yet. It’s not time yet. There will be a time.

What to construe from this cryptic statement is up to the fans but a large section of them are already counting down days to a new Borderlands game.

The lack of any news on the front of Borderlands 4 has led fans to indulge in creating memes out of it and truth be told, they are hilarious. Some fans tapped into their creative sides to showcase their displeasure at a lack of updates on the game.

No matter how good the marketing is, it would be difficult for the studio to avert fan questions for much longer.


Signs That Convinced Fans of Borderlands 4

Borderlands movie trailer

Before the words of Mr. Pitchford turned on the heat, some fans had deduced the existence of the game by the actions of the official Borderlands account on X. Initially the account posted a video rehashing their journey of Borderlands.

They followed this up with another post for Borderlands 2 exactly a week later. This led fans to speculate that this will be followed by posts for all the games and then there will be more news on the much-awaited ‘4‘.

However, this can very well be a marketing campaign to boost the upcoming movie starring Hollywood icon Kevin Hart. But, staunch fans of the franchise are unwilling to take these posts just as promotional stuff for the movie. They firmly believe that a new game is on the horizon. And Mr. Pitchford’s words have given them enough ammunition to come up with all forms of rumors and speculations.


We will have to wait for any official confirmation of Borderlands 4 from Gearbox. In the meantime, which is your favorite Borderlands title? What are your expectations for the upcoming game? Do you think the movie is going to be a good adaptation of the storyline from the games?


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 177

I travel. I game. I write. In no strict order.

The single biggest lie told all around is, "It isn't that simple." It is simple, everything is. And that is what I emulate in my writing. No unnecessary jargons and no flamboyant flourish. Just what's needed to get your imagination going. After all mind has no limit, unlike the written word.