Dune: Awakening May Be the Most Inclusive Character Creator Ever With Never Before Seen Customization Option that Will Surely Have Sweet Baby Inc Haters Screaming

Sweet Baby Inc. haters, you don't want to see this.

dune awakening


  • Funcom showcases extensive character customization, including body type, skin tone, age, tattoos, and a Vitiligo slider in Dune: Awakening.
  • The game's inclusivity features, like the Vitiligo slider, signal a shift towards diverse representation, though it may also stir controversy.
  • Sweet Baby Inc. faces backlash due to unverified financial demands and continues to be a target of online hate campaigns.
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Funcom’s latest live stream of Dune: Awakening gave us a more detailed view of the gameplay and what we can expect. However, one of the livestream highlights was an introduction to the character creation system, which brings a plethora of customization for players and promotes inclusivity.


The extensive customization feature is sure to ruffle some feathers and will likely be irksome for many, including the netizens who have been pushing against Sweet Baby Inc. in the past few months. However, the game’s feature does indicate that times are changing.

Dune: Awakening Character Customization Adds a New Layer To The Game

Dune: Awakening will allow players to set Vitiligo
Dune: Awakening will allow players to set Vitiligo.

In the first moments of gameplay in Dune: Awakening, players will be greeted with a character customization option to define who they are and what they look like. Although the visual customization won’t affect the actual gameplay, players will have a wide variety of options to choose from to build their character according to their liking.


You can select your body type, desired height, arm thickness, leg thickness, neck length, and even customize your skin tone. Additionally, if you want your character to have Vitligo, you even have a slider that adjusts Vitligo.

For anyone unaware, Vitligo is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose color or pigment. Dune: Awakening, including a slider for Vitligo, indicates that they are taking inclusivity seriously.

Dune: Awakening Direct – Episode 2 Livestream

This importance of inclusivity in the game might be a point of contention for some gamers. As seen with the whole Sweet Bany Inc. fiasco in the past few months, diverting from traditional gaming norms isn’t usually appreciated by the masses, especially when it comes to inclusivity.


Regardless, the game is going to ensure that no one feels left out. It’s also worth noting that the customization has many more options, which include setting your age, changing your hairstyle, and adding tattoos.

Sweet Baby Inc. Controversy Keeps Getting Bigger

Sweet Baby Inc. is now caught up in Black Myth: Wukong controversy
Sweet Baby Inc. is now caught up in Black Myth: Wukong controversy.

It’s safe to say the past few months have been anything but peaceful for narrative design company Sweet Baby Inc. Starting from some questionable comments from their founder to a flurry of hate campaigns against the company, it seems Sweet Baby Inc. cannot catch a break.

The hate campaigns have even spilled to the games that Sweet Baby Inc. has curated, and it seems it won’t stop anytime soon. This might seem unfair to the company, but unfortunately, that’s usually how the gaming community has operated since the beginning.


The most recent addition to the whole Sweet Baby Inc. arc is the rumor that surfaced alleging the company asked for $7M from the Black Myth: Wukong’s gaming studio for curating the game. Although there is no definitive evidence of this happening, it hasn’t stopped netizens from ranting online against the company.

What do you think about the character creation feature of Dune: Awakening? Do you think it’s going to garner hate for promoting inclusivity? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Kuldeep Thapa

Articles Published: 31

Kuldeep is an electrical engineer and a writer for FandomWire with over 5 years of experience under the belt. He is a keen learner who consistently tries to improve and is always up for the grind. Besides delving into the Pokemon world, he enjoys playing League of Legends and many other competitive games.