Elden Ring Fan Learns Not to Mess With a Dragonfly in Ridiculous Circumstances

Whether it's a dragon or dragonfly, it's time to 'git gud.'

Elden Ring Fan Learns Not to Mess With a Dragonfly in Ridiculous Circumstances


  • The player almost celebrated the occasion until a dragonfly ruined the moment.
  • Such deaths have been common among Elden Ring fans.
  • Despite such ridiculous deaths, it's 'just another day' for Soulslike players.
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Elden Ring is a game that has a reputation for testing players in the most challenging ways. Whether it’s a monstrous boss they’re going against or simply traversing through harsh conditions, the game makes for a journey that leaves the player feeling accomplished at the end of the day. Well, only if things go as planned.


Other times, some of the biggest Soulslike fans question their own existence when the game throws the most unpredictable ways of feeling like an absolute loser. Most of the time, it’s not even the player’s fault. In one such recent incident, an Elden Ring player was left expressionless at the most unexpected outcome.

A Dragonfly Makes the Player Meet Their Demise

Among all the things that can kill you in the game, a dragonfly may be the last thing you expect.
Among all the things that can kill you in the game, a dragonfly may be the last thing you expect.

In a recent clip on Reddit that would otherwise look quite impressive, user rocker2021 wanted to show the world how they bravely went against a terrifying dragon in the game. Unfortunately, this glorious victory was taken away at the last moment when a simple dragonfly ruined it for them. 


It all started when the player was braving The Lands Between and came across Glinstone Dragon Smarag. Even though it may seem like a gigantic boss, it’s actually one of the more ‘normal’  bosses in the game. Yeah, this game is tough.

Nevertheless, the dragon was clearly a mighty opponent, given its magical abilities and large movesets. Dodging, jumping, and timing one’s attacks make for a fair fight. But the focus is key here, and clearly, the Redditor got it all right until that one little moment, which was completely unexpected.

As the dragon’s HP went down, so did the player’s. But the final strike wasn’t from the dragon; it was from a dragonfly. It’s one of those pesky little enemy types found in the game in multiple regions. One stab from the flying annoyance, and game over. As unexpected and disappointing as it may seem, this is one of the many ways players can die in Elden Ring.


You can fall off a cliff without knowing it. You can die thanks to stuck animations and bad camera movements. You can even bid farewell to your dear life because there was a passive damage-dealing substance in your character you weren’t aware of. Scarlet Rot, anyone?

The Unpredictable Deaths in Elden Ring

The game's versatile nature allows for all sorts of mishaps, including those that get you killed more often than not.
The game’s versatile nature allows for all sorts of mishaps, including those that get you killed more often than not.

Another Reddit post that went viral two years ago showcased a similar death. Well, this one still doesn’t make sense. Clippings, glitching, falling, and getting stuck. These are just humble words for the many ways one can die in Elden Ring. What’s inspiring is how it’s never really a problem for players. In fact, most refer to it as part of the experience, and the game’s difficulty is just another adorable thing about FromSoftware.

After rocker2021’s unfortunate experience with the dragonfly, the comment section has shared balanced amounts of laughter and sympathy for the player. Some are even making it about the dragonfly; the little guy finally had his day. Good for them. The top comment is nothing short of excellent. User SpaceMonkey1505 comments:


That dragonfly must feel so proud killing the main character

Indeed. If the dragonfly’s AI had some kind of collective consciousness that could make its entire community feel proud about it, maybe they would have their own Soulslike game about killing medium-sized human beings in shiny armor.

Moreover, none of this poses a real issue for most players, let alone the developers. As mentioned earlier, it’s just part of the experience. It’ll be hilarious to see how the developers react to something like this.

In the meantime, it’s best to stay on the lookout, and if you’re another player feeling a little confident about things, well, maybe consider taking a different approach. In Elden Ring, almost everything and anything can kill you.


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Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 570

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.