Elden Ring Fans are Coming Together as Shadow of the Erdtree Previews Drop and a Worrying Realization Sets In

Are you prepared to take on Malenia-esque bosses? Probably not, so get to grinding!

elden ring, shadow of the erdtree


  • Players are preparing intensely for the challenging new content in the Elden Ring DLC.
  • The expansion will introduce 100 new weapons and eight new weapon types.
  • Fans are leveling up and practicing combat mechanics to tackle the tough new bosses.
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Elden Ring fans, if you’re not grinding for the DLC right now, what are you doing? At least, that seems to be what a ton of people across the player base are currently focused on after having the souls scared out of them from the DLC previews that were recently released.


While the previews gave us a bunch of things to look forward to, they also gave us deadly warnings about what NOT to underestimate. If you want to overcome some of the challenges this DLC is about to throw at you, you better be prepared!

The Elden Ring DLC Looks as Menacing as Ever

People are scrambling to prepare for the release of the Elden Ring expansion.
People are scrambling to prepare for the release of the Elden Ring expansion.

If you haven’t seen the previews for Shadow of the Erdtree yet and aren’t avoiding mild spoilers, do yourself a favor and check them out.


There’s a lot more to see outside of the previews, but from what we caught, there are a lot more weapons, skills, and mechanics that will help us get through the challenges that Miyazaki will throw at us.

The formidable enemies will get you good unless you’re prepared. Scratch that, even if you are, you’ll probably die anyway, as is typical with the classic FromSoftware experience.


Ultimately, skills and hard work will get you to where you want to be. And so, the grind for many ambitious players begins, whether it be leveling to upgrade attributes, practicing combat mechanics, or giving more builds a spin.

Don’t forget the DLC will introduce 100 new weapons and eight weapon types, so it wouldn’t hurt to keep your stat distribution flexible to try new things!

The Grind Is On: The DLC Is Almost Here

Everyone has their own way of getting ready for Shadow of the Erdtree.
Everyone has their way of getting ready for Shadow of the Erdtree.

Just looking up the phrase ‘Elden Ring DLC’ will bring you to many posts of people talking about preparing their characters to face the bigger challenges that lie ahead.


The area to enter the DLC is quite far into the game, the enemies in the previews look terrifying, and Miyazaki has said in interviews that the new bosses will be a “challenge on equal footing to Malenia, which essentially means, get ready to die a ton!

A player celebrates the end of the grind after hitting level 300, a magnificent feat that no doubt took countless hours of hard work.


Another player went so far as to purchase a new console to get their hands on the DLC. Talk about the dedication!


If you’re playing Shadow of the Erdtree through a new character, do note the game is quite long.

A new playthrough can take many hours; Don’t burn yourself out before the expansion arrives.

We’d like to ask you: What has been your routine to prepare for Shadow of the Erdtree? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 335

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.