“Everything that went wrong went perfectly wrong”: Will Smith Revealed How He Made Things Work With Jada Pinkett Smith Only for Them to Separate in Private

Will Smith had listed in his memoir various occasions that highlighted the tumultuous relationship he shared with Jada Pinkett Smith

"Everything that went wrong went perfectly wrong": Will Smith Revealed How He Made Things Work With Jada Pinkett Smith Only for Them to Separate in Private


  • Recent news about Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith has taken the internet by storm
  • Jada Pinkett Smith has recently revealed that she and Will Smith have been separated in private ever since 2016
  • There were various instances where their tumultuous relationship had become the highlight
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Recent news about Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith has taken the internet by storm. The Red Table Talk hostess has recently revealed that she and the Oscar-winning star have been separated in private ever since 2016, which has completely blind-sided many by this news, considering how much the two have talked to the media about the private affairs of their relationship. This has also led many to take a look back at all of the times the two talked about how they dealt with the problems that they have faced in their past.

Will Smith
Will Smith

One that immediately comes to mind is the time that Smith talked about the first few months of when he started dating Pinkett Smith. Here, he touched on many aspects of what it was like for the two, including a number of conflicts that they faced that only helped them become stronger as a couple and understand each other better.

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The Initial Stages of Will Smith’s Relationship With Jada Pinkett Smith

Will Smith has a memoir, titled Will, where he went into great depth about many aspects of his life. Unsurprisingly, this included his relationship with Jada Pinkett Smith. He talked about many different things when it came to this, including what it was like for him when he first laid eyes on the actress. He revealed that he was immediately smitten. He even went on to say that he knew that there was something special between the two from the get-go.

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith

“I knew there was something in our energy that would be magic,” He went on, “It was one of those things where everything went perfectly – not perfectly in the sense of smooth and lovely – but everything that went wrong went perfectly wrong,” 

The two were, however, unable to act on this attraction as Smith was still married to his then-wife, Sheree Zampino. The two ended up splitting in 1995, and two years after that, Smith and Pinkett Smith tied the knot. Smith explained that for the actress and him, things seemed to have been going wrong in the most perfect, wonderful ways possible Despite this, they did end up facing a number of other challenges in the initial stages of their relationship.

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Nothing Was Going Right For Them

Will Smith then went on to write in his memoir, Will, that during the early stages of their relationship, a lot of things went very wrong, and this happened extremely quickly. He elaborated on this, stating that he and Jada Pinkett Smith decided what they wanted to do with their lives, personally and professionally, as well as what type of people they wanted to be, and made a plan together that would help them get there.

Will Smith with family
Will Smith with her family

“In the beginning of our relationship everything that needed to go wrong went wrong very quickly. We learned early on who we were and who we wanted to be and decided on a path to get there. Normally at the beginning of relationship it’s all flowers and butterflies but we didn’t have that. I was coming out of a divorce and she was coming out of a bad relationship and there was just no time for bull***. It was just blatant, hard, cold honesty and that’s the basis of our relationship: harsh honesty.”

He added that, though most couples go through a honeymoon phase where everything is very smooth and calm for them, he and Pinkett Smith never had that. They, instead had messy separations and complicated past relationships, that weighed them down, forcing them to be blatantly honest with each other, rather than living in a false sense of comfort and companionship.

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Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1335

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.