Fallout 4, Shadow of Mordor and 3 Other Games with Unique Gameplay Mechanics That Change the Game (and the Genre)

Mechanics that blow people's minds are what make a great game brilliant!

fallout 4, shadow of mordor


  • Games such as Fallout 4, Shadow of Mordor, and Dishonored all had systems that directly affected the gameplay and experience.
  • Scribblenauts and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence offered players freedom unlike any other game of the generation.
  • Unique gameplay mechanics help to not only improve the experience but also drive innovation within the industry.
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Love it or hate it, Fallout 4 is one of the biggest entries in the series. The latest game in the franchise not only showed how expansive the world of Fallout could become but also helped to showcase a new system that made playing the game that much more fun.


When developers take the initiative to develop unique gameplay mechanics, it creates ripples that affect everyone within the space. So, let’s take a look at five unique systems introduced by games that elevated the titles to the next level.

5. Fallout 4 – Legendary Spawns

Running into a Legendary Deathclaw randomly in Fallout 4 would keep anyone on their toes.
Running into a Legendary Deathclaw randomly in Fallout 4 would keep anyone on their toes.

Walking and fighting your way through the wasteland can be fun for a while, but it can also get boring soon. While exploring new locations is always fun, the element of surprise is greatly reduced when you know what to expect. That’s where the Legendary system helped the game stay fresh and engaging.


If you’re one of the players hopping back into the game after the next-gen update, you could happen upon a Legendary enemy seemingly at random. These enemies would be more difficult to kill and deal greater damage. Downing these enemies also gave you the chance to get some Legendary-level gear. So, the fight may be hard, but the payout is worth the effort.

4. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor – Nemesis System

Every duel has its consequences in Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.
Every duel has its consequences in Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.

When people heard Monolith Productions was creating a new Lord of the Rings-inspired title in 2014, the reception was equal parts exciting and nervous. However, when Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor was finally released, it was clear that a lot of effort and passion had gone into the project. Not only did it have a solid storyline and combat system, but it also introduced something entirely new: the Nemesis system.

This system would allow in-game enemies to remember your interactions with them, affecting their standing in the Orc army and any subsequent encounter. They would become stronger from fighting you and develop perks and buffs that would make them harder to take down. To this day, games have not been able to replicate such a system with the same degree of intricacy.


3. Dishonored – Chaos

Would you go for high or low chaos in Dishonored?
Would you go for high or low chaos in Dishonored?

Arkane Studios’ Dishonored put the studio on the AAA map back in 2012. The first-person stealth action game took a lot of inspiration from the Thief series and delivered a compelling story as well. Dishonored allowed players a lot of freedom when approaching missions, and every action had a consequence.

These consequences affected the Chaos meter in the game. This variable affected not only the ending of the story but also the world around the player. Indulging in high chaos would result in more rats and weepers infecting the streets, leading to more challenges to overcome during a mission.

2. Scribblenauts – Creative Freedom

Unleash your creativity with Scribblenauts!
Unleash your creativity with Scribblenauts!

Scribblenauts is a truly unique game series in that not much else has been able to replicate the same experience. Allowing players to create practically anything that can be described was a new experience, and the game truly gave the player all the freedom they needed to complete the puzzles.


By inputting descriptions in the notepad, players could conjure anything from a torch to a fire-breathing hydra! How the latter would help solve puzzles is anyone’s guess, but it’s undeniably cool and something no game has done so far!

1. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence – Enemy Storehouses

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence was a genre-defining game of the generation.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence was a genre-defining game of the generation.

No list of unique gameplay mechanics is complete without mentioning Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. The 2005 release showed what developers can achieve when given time and the resources required to create great games. It’s one of the most iconic entries in the Metal Gear franchise, and with good reason.

The game introduced several truly unique gameplay mechanics, such as using tranquilized snakes as weapons and even defeating a boss with old age! One particular system you can use to your advantage during the game is blowing up the ammo and ration storehouses of the enemies.


This would result in the guards of that region having limited ammo and also being weaker and less perceptive due to hunger. You could even incapacitate these hungry guards by setting out rotten food and taking them out without a single shot or chokehold being required.

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 314

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.