“Moaning little babies”: Fallout: London Devs Get Some Support After the Community Turns On Them, and It Caused Some Serious Meltdowns

One fan had enough of the complaints and decided to hit back at the negativity.

fallout london


  • With Fallout: London hit with recent delays, many fans have voiced their displeasure at the devs and the ongoing wait for the expansion.
  • However, this prompted one fan to take to the game subreddit to voice their disgust at the negativity, labelling them 'moaning little babies'.
  • The argument on the forum quickly escalated and led to moderators switching off further comments.
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Whilst many fans are still awaiting Fallout: London, it appears that patience is wearing thin with some. The fan-made expansion which is a huge passion project has seen delays in no small part to the next-gen update which Bethesda released in April.


This delay has led to a backlash from many in the community who are eagerly expectant of the expansion for arguably one of the greatest games from Bethesda. Well, that backlash hasn’t gone unnoticed and led one fan to stick up for all the work that the devs have done and continue to do with this project.

Fallout: London – An Ongoing Argument

The Vault Dweller looks down at Dogmeat.
The 111 Vault Door.
The Vault Dweller fires at a raider.
Power Armor modification.
Firing at a Behemoth.

The fan in question going by the handle u/lazersmoker had clearly had enough of the negative comments regarding the delays and decided to be the person to address the community. To say that they didn’t hold back may be something of an understatement.

Moaning little babies
byu/lazersmoker infallout4london

Describing those complaining as ‘moaning little babies‘ and what’s wrong with the industry was perhaps a red rag to a bull. It may by that there was a slightly more diplomatic way to ask fans to exercise patience but apparently, enough was enough in this instance.

byu/lazersmoker from discussion

Whilst there were many comments who were actually supportive of the OP, there were those to question their credentials, however, lazersmoker did hit back stating that they never alluded that they worked in the gaming industry.

byu/lazersmoker from discussion

This didn’t stop the negative comments coming and as expected as with many forums, there was some heated debate and some ridiculous comments made by obvious keyboard warriors.


The thread on the subreddit has now been locked by a moderator to avoid any further arguments. This only goes to highlight the difference of opinion from both sides and

Fallout: London – What Do We Know?

The fan-made total conversion mod which is an expansion of the Fallout 4 game is simply put, huge. It is the size of the mod which sets it apart from any other DLC which has been made available in the franchise and it is in this regard that although it has been touted as DLC, it’s not really.

With Bethesda dropping a next-gen update in April, this has however put the project back somewhat and it is from this that fans comments anger is drawn. Whilst there is no official date for release as yet, many have speculated that it could be in the next month or so.


With a franchise as popular as Fallout, its clear that there would be a level of excitement for any developments. However, it appears that many fans are lacking in patience for the much anticipated mod. Despite this, many in the community

What are your thoughts on the latest news for Fallout? Do you agree with the comments on the subreddit from either side? Get in touch, leave us a comment and let us know what you think.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 269

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.