“F**king hate the character designs”: God of War’s David Jaffe Says What We’re All Thinking and More About Concord’s Open Beta

The outspoken industry veteran doesn't hold back on Sony's new hero shooter.

God of War Concord


  • God of War creator David Jaffe shares his blunt assessment of Concord's open beta.
  • The gaming community has echoed some of Jaffe's sentiments about the game.
  • Despite the criticism, Jaffe acknowledges that Concord's gameplay is enjoyable — but is that enough to justify its $40 price tag?
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Concord‘s Open Beta is in full swing, and as the floodgates open for more hero shooter enthusiasts to pour in and get a taste of what Sony’s latest live-service FPS venture has to offer ahead of its August release, one prominent industry figure isn’t holding back his thoughts on the game’s divisive character designs.


God of War creator and outspoken gaming personality David Jaffe took to X to share his blunt assessment of the game’s cast of “Freegunners.”

A Blunt Assessment of Concord’s Character Designs


Since its reveal at Sony’s State of Play in May, Concord has been under constant scrutiny from gamers, with the character designs being a major point of contention.


The Freegunners’ dull color palette and overall lack of distinct identity have left many underwhelmed, especially considering the importance of memorable characters in hero shooters like Overwatch.

The tweet, which features a post-match victory screen showcasing Jaffe‘s character of choice, Roka, standing alongside his teammates in celebration, reflects the game designer’s mixed feelings about Concord.

While he praises the gameplay, the industry veteran doesn’t mince words when it comes to the game’s character design a sentiment echoed by many in the comments:


Jaffe, who is also known for his work on the Twisted Metal series alongside creating God of War, is no stranger to designing iconic and memorable characters. Fans were quick to point out the stark contrast between Concord‘s cast and the beloved personalities from Sony’s vehicular combat franchise.

As controversial as some of Jaffe’s past opinions may have been, his expertise in video game design lends weight to his criticism of Firewalk Studios‘ character design philosophy.

Gameplay over Visuals?

In-game screenshot featuring the character cards for all sixteen playable "Freegunners" in Concord.
Concord currently features a roster of 16 Freegunners across six classes.

Despite his harsh words for the character designs, Jaffe does acknowledge that Concord‘s gameplay is “really, really fun.” This sentiment suggests that if players can look past the lackluster character design, they may find an enjoyable hero shooter experience beneath the surface.


However, with competition looming on the horizon in the form of the highly anticipated free-to-play title Marvel Rivals, which boasts a roster of iconic Marvel characters and has its own closed beta test lined up, Concord may face an uphill battle in capturing the attention of hero shooter fans:

As the Concord Open Beta continues and more players get hands-on time with the game, it remains to be seen whether the gameplay can overcome the criticism surrounding its character designs.

With industry figures like David Jaffe weighing in, the pressure is on for Firewalk Studios and Sony to deliver an experience that justifies the game’s $40 price tag and sets it apart in an increasingly crowded genre.


What do you think about David Jaffe’s assessment of Concord‘s character designs? Do you agree that they lack the personality and appeal of other hero shooters, or do you believe the gameplay can make up for any visual shortcomings? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 90

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!