George R R Martin was the Man Behind the Most Distinctive Part of Elden Ring, and Hidetaka Miyazaki Knew He Had to Use It

Love him or hate him, you cannot deny Martin’s prowess when it comes to world-building.

George R R Martin was the Man Behind the Most Distinctive Part of Elden Ring, and Hidetaka Miyazaki Knew He Had to Use It
credit: wikimedia commons


  • George R R Martin was recruited by FromSoftware to help create the lore for Elden Ring.
  • He coined the name ‘The Lands Between’, a title that Miyazaki approved even though it went against the FromSoftware naming scheme.
  • Miyazaki hoped the name would encourage players to explore the many mysteries of the land.
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All FromSoftware games, Elden Ring included feature some of the richest and rewarding lore in gaming. Hidetaka Miyazaki has a knack for creating worlds that are equal parts intimidating and intriguing, pushing players to explore every corner while knowing they could meet their end at every turn.


When it comes to the latest release, the studio was helped by another stalwart in the fantasy genre: George R R Martin. The creator of the Game of Thrones series was enlisted to help create the foundational aspects of the world’s history. You can see his influence throughout the story, and the most obvious one is the name of the location itself!

George R R Martin Provided the Name for Elden Ring’s World

Elden Ring's world is beautiful and dangerous, just how Martin loves to make them.
Elden Ring‘s world is both beautiful and dangerous, just as Martin loves to make it.

The author is no stranger when it comes to creating vast worlds with rich lore. His best-selling series boasts a multitude of locations and characters. Miyazaki is another proponent of classic fantasy writing, as understanding the narrative and lore can only be done through exploration and reading.


When it was first revealed that Martin would be working on Elden Ring’s lore, people were excited and also a little nervous. After all, Martin doesn’t have a spotless track record when it comes to finishing projects. But the man pulled through, and we got one of the best games of 2022 that rivaled and beat even God of War Ragnarok.

If you’re curious as to what Martin contributed, well, you need only look at the name of the world: The Lands Between. Miyazaki hoped the departure from FromSoftware’s usual naming scheme would encourage players to explore the world, a sentiment he shared in an interview with IGN.

We hope that as well as taking away the idea of it being the sort of impetus and the starting place for the world, people feel that it’s really like an invitation to this mysterious new land.

The gamble truly paid off, as players have explored even the game code to unravel the mysteries of The Lands Between!


Elden Ring’s Lore Will Soon Receive a Major Expansion

A new land with new mysteries and lore.
A new land with new mysteries and lore.

With Shadow of the Erdtree now less than two months away, lore hunters are preparing themselves to once again invest hours in a FromSoftware world. The Land of Shadow and all its mysteries will be revealed as we follow Miquella’s footsteps to further understand his goals. He is not the only figure in focus, however, as we will also learn more about the history of Queen Marika.

Along the way, we are going to meet new characters and foes who will offer further backstory to the events that transpired in this new area. We will also get to know about the ominous Messmer, a character Miyazaki has described as a “hero” in interviews, and his connection to Miquella.

Martin has not returned to work on Shadow of the Erdtree, but we know the FromSoftware team is more than capable of delivering a solid expansion. The studio’s track record speaks for itself, and this DLC is going to be their biggest one yet.


Do you think Martin had a significant impact on Elden Ring? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 197

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.