God of War’s Cory Barlog’s Response to Sony’s Neil Druckmann Fabrication Paints a Worrying Picture for Sony’s First-Party Studios

God of War director Cory Barlog is not happy about Sony fabricating fellow director Neil Druckmann's interview response.

god of war, sony, neil druckmann
Credits: Gage Skidmore/Wikimdeia Commons


  • God of War director Cory Barlog shared his two cents after the Sony interview fiasco of Neil Druckmann.
  • Druckmann shared his full in-depth statements and the company later removed his fabricated interview.
  • Sony first-party directors will most likely feel discouraged after this recent fumble and will keep to themselves.
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God of War is one of the more popular Sony first-party franchises, and director Cory Barlog played a significant role in its success. The director made great contributions and is a good friend to fellow director Neil Druckmann, and he shared his two cents about the recent fiasco.


Sony recently removed the fabricated interview and apologized for the unnecessary attention it gave Druckmann. The Naughty Dog director could be the first of many more first-party studio directors to fall victim to the company’s method of changing the narrative in their favor.

God of War Director Reacts to the Fabricated Interview

Director Neil Druckmann was misrepresented and the God of War director isn't having it.
Neil Druckmann was misrepresented, and a fellow director isn’t having it.

It wasn’t long ago when the Naughty Dog director gave a rare interview published by Sony but ended up being misrepresented. Most of Druckmann’s responses were omitted, which made the interview look like an advertisement for the director’s upcoming project to generate hype and attention. The director clarified his statements by revealing his full response and clearing the air after the company threw him under the bus.


Barlog dropped by on social media and shared his opinion about the unfortunate treatment his colleague received, saying it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. It seems like the publisher wants to get the ball rolling as early as possible and hype up future projects.

In comparison, Barlog did a better job teasing his upcoming project with Santa Monica Studios by simply praising the talent and commitment of his team.


These Directors Are Both Unhappy About What Transpired

Cory Barlog directed the critically acclaimed and award-winning soft reboot of God of War.
Barlog directed the critically acclaimed and award-winning soft reboot of God of War.

The publisher later removed the interview and apologized for the inconvenience it caused. Barlog is seemingly upset about how the company treated Druckmann and is worried that he will not be the only victim. This interview fiasco will strain the relationship Sony has with Druckmann, and other directors will begin to be cautious with their statements.

It now seems that no director is safe from being misrepresented, and this will most likely do more damage than good. The credibility of the creatives behind the first-party projects is being questioned because of the fabrication of statements.

This recent blunder will probably discourage other directors from giving statements due to the fear of their quotes being edited and fans taking them without proper context.


Druckmann defended himself and set the record straight by directing the blame on Sony. It feels like Barlog and other developers should be weary from this point on.

Do you agree with the directors? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 627

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.