GTA 6 Release Leaked by the Same Industry Insider Who Got Every Detail of the Trailer Correct

Industry insider has made a big claim.

GTA 6 Release Leaked by the Same Industry Insider Who Got Every Detail of the Trailer Correct


  • A leaker has claimed that Grand Theft Auto 6 will launch in Q1 next year by January or February.
  • The leaker had also claimed to have seen the trailer and predicted things that turned out correct.
  • Rockstar Games has now announced a specific release date for the upcoming title.
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Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto 6 is one of the highly anticipated titles, and after a long wait, fans finally got the first look at the game. However, the developer did not reveal the GTA 6 release date, leaving fans speculating as to when they can play the game.


The game has also suffered from a myriad of leaks that revealed a lot of things about the game, including the characters and gameplay. Another leak has now surfaced about GTA 6 release, and it comes from the same leaker who had leaked things about the trailer before its launch.

GTA 6 Release Date Seems to Have Been Leaked

The leaker who got the GTA 6 trailer details right has leaked the launch date.
The leaker who got the GTA 6 trailer details right has leaked the launch date.

Before Rockstar Games released the announcement trailer for GTA 6, a leaker claimed to have seen the trailer and detailed a few months from the trailer that turned out to be true. The insider had said that the scenery in the trailer is tropical, “like paradise,” and there will be several cars with ladies dancing on top.


The leaker had also added that the game map might be like Miami with palm trees and that the character faces would be better “1000x” than in Red Dead Redemption 2. It was also mentioned that the main character would be called Lucia, and there is a “hovercraft kind of boat.”

The other details mentioned by the leaker include the dog on the beach, a police officer taking the crocodile out of a pool, people drifting, and more that have been confirmed by the trailer. The leaker also mentioned the release date of the game and said that it would be released in Q1 2025.


While Rockstar has said that the game would be released in 2025, it did not give out any specific timeline, but the leaker claimed that the game could come out sometime in January or February next year. The authenticity of the claim can be confirmed as there has been no information, but a report from Jason Schreier also stated that the game may launch in early 2025.

If the Claim Is Correct, the Second GTA 6 Trailer May Be Coming Soon

The leaker has claimed that the game will launch in Q1 2025.
The leaker has claimed that the game will launch in Q1 2025.

There have been leaks and reports stating that a new trailer for GTA 6 could be released in the next couple of months, probably in May, and it has led fans to believe that the game might launch in early 2025. Moreover, Rockstar also announces its final quarter earnings at the time, so there is a possibility.

Some fans think that if the game had been planned to launch in Q1 next year, a gameplay trailer would have already been out by now. One player mentioned that more and more games are now released in Q1, citing the examples of Elden Ring and The Legend of Zelda and how they have sold, so GTA 6 might also be released in Q1.


Fans also said that GTA games usually drop in September, so there’s a whole year of trailers, and then the game would be released late next year, but nothing can be said for certain until Rockstar announces something.

When do you think GTA 6 will be released? Let us know in the comment section below.


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 831

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.