GTA 6’s Disappointing Update Could Be a Blessing in Disguise – But is it Due to Dev Crunch or Polish?

2025 will be the year GTA makes a comeback.

gta 6


  • Grand Theft Auto 6 has had an unfortunate delay, according to the recent earnings report from Take Two.
  • GTA 6 is scheduled to release in fall 2025, contrary to the 2026 release rumors that have been floating around.
  • Grand Theft Auto 6 may be delayed for reasons like fixing bugs or even refining content.
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It has only been a few months since we got our first look at the upcoming GTA 6, as it took the internet by storm with millions of views within the first few minutes of being live on YouTube, but now gamers have even more good news to look forward to.


Reportedly, there is the possibility that Rockstar is looking to release GTA 6 sometime in Fall 2025, which is a lot earlier than many gamers were expecting back last year, but for many gamers, it is still too long to wait.

GTA 6 Is a Lot Closer Than You Might Think, and Hope

GTA 6 may have had a delay, but not as big as you would think.
GTA 6 may have had a delay, but not as big as you would think.

According to a recent announcement from Take-Two Interactive, the long-awaited sequel is currently scheduled to release sometime in fall 2025, contrary to the recent rumors of a delay until 2026. The information comes from the Take Two earnings report, which details how the company expects the release sometime within that window. 


This came as quite a shock for many gamers, as they had always believed that the game would stick to its originally announced release schedule. One of the main reasons that gamers feel they cannot trust these release dates is mainly down to the return-to-office policy that has been enacted within Rockstar.

This has caused plenty of internal conflicts within the company. Many players are also doubting that they will be able to focus on the project with enough effort that it will be done on schedule. Now Take Two has a lot riding on this release window.


Gamers around the world are already creating jokes about how this release window will be delayed due to unknown circumstances, whether they be to perfect the game or to fix any last-minute problems.

Rockstar Has a Lot to Live up to With This Long-Awaited Title

GTA 6 could be delayed for a few different reasons.
GTA 6 could be delayed for a few different reasons.

It has been so many years since gamers got their hands on GTA 5 that many players felt they would never get their hands on the next installment in the franchise. However, now, thanks to this earnings report, there is some form of hope that GTA 6 will finally appear on our consoles sometime soon.

This would also explain why the release date is so far into the future, as it provides the development team with all the time they need to ensure that the upcoming title makes it into our hands with next to no issues and plenty of content to keep us busy for months on end.


Unfortunately, the small delay can also be simply down to the fact that GTA 6 is a rather large game and will have a lot of content for the developers to sift through to ensure the quality is just right, whether it be small bugs or something so major it could entirely ruin the game for players.

For now, though, it is good to see that GTA 6 finally has a more definitive release window rather than just a release year, providing gamers with a more ironclad expectation rather than hoping for any kind of information they can get their hands on.

What do you think about GTA 6‘s new release window? Are you looking forward to the highly anticipated title? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 505

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.