“He is the most generous actor with his own time”: Steven Spielberg Debunked Tom Cruise’s ‘Difficult Persona’ Rumors After What He Did for the Fans Out of Pure Love

Steven Spielberg defended Tom Cruise against bizarre rumors about his persona.

Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise
Credits: Gage/Wikimedia commons


  • Tom Cruise has often been subject to rumors and allegations through his decades-long Hollywood career.
  • After working with Cruise on Minority Report, Steven Spielberg came to defend the actor from false claims.
  • Not just Spielberg but several other collaborators of Cruise debunked rumors surrounding his difficult persona.
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For years, rumors have circulated about Hollywood heartthrob Tom Cruise, surrounding his love life and alleged difficult persona on set. Rumors of abrasive behavior and outlandish urban legends about Cruise have often been a part and parcel of the actor’s lengthy career. But eventually, renowned director Steven Spielberg came to set the record straight.


Steven Spielberg at the 2017 SDCC [Photo: Gage Skidmore]
Steven Spielberg at the 2017 SDCC | Photo: Gage Skidmore/ Wikimedia Commons
Speaking with Roger Ebert in 2002, following the release of Tom Cruise’s futurist thriller Minority Report, Steven Spielberg defended the actor and dismissed rumors regarding Cruise’s alleged difficult persona. Sharing a heartwarming story that showcased the actor’s kindness and generosity towards his fans, Spielberg debunked speculations.

Steven Spielberg Debunked Rumors of Tom Cruise’s Difficult Persona

With a career spanning over three decades, Tom Cruise has been one of Hollywood’s most bankable stars. While the actor has delivered some of the most iconic performances in cinema history, his personal life has often been shrouded in controversy. From his personal beliefs to public behavior, Cruise has been at the center of numerous rumors that have made headlines worldwide.


However, not everyone will agree with those allegations, especially not the ones who have worked with the legend, like Steven Spielberg. Appearing for an interview with Roger Ebert in 2002, after delivering Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, Spielberg addressed rumors about Cruise’s alleged behavior and difficult persona. However, the filmmaker simply debunked the reports with a heartwarming story.

I’m like a witness to it. I love watching. I went to Japan to open “Minority Report” about a month ago and we walked into 4,000 screaming fans all screaming at the top of their lungs with Japanese accents, “Tom, Tom, Tom” And Tom throws himself into the crowd. He signs autographs, he gets his picture taken with people.

Tom Cruise in a still from Minority Reports
Tom Cruise in a still from Minority Report | 20th Century Fox

He came an hour-and-a-half early to every premiere we did on “Minority Report” in Europe so we could be with the people, let them take his picture, sign their autographs. He is the most generous actor with his own time I have ever experienced when it comes to his fans.

Steven Spielberg revealed how Tom Cruise went above and beyond to make a memorable experience for fans, demonstrating his genuine love and appreciation for their support. Thereafter, the filmmaker debunked any rumors of Cruise’s diva-like behavior.

Outlandish Rumors and Controversies Surrounding Tom Cruise

Although Steven Spielberg humanized Tom Cruise and showed the world a more authentic side of him with his anecdote, the actor was still subject to some of the most outrageous rumors. According to IndieWire, Hollywood seemingly perpetuated negative stories about the actor’s behavior on set and his difficult persona.


One of the most outlandish gossip was surrounding the idea that Tom Cruise forbids cast and crew members from making eye contact with him on set. No one particularly knows when the buzz exactly generated but Cruise addressed the allegation somewhere during the COVID pandemic.

Minority Report
Cruise in Minority Report (2002) | 20th Century Fox

Sharing the “weirdest” story he’s heard about himself in Hollywood, Tom Cruise claimed to be perplexed by the rumor that people “were not allowed to look me in the eye”. Learning about the speculation, Cruise’s frequent collaborator, Simon Pegg, debunked the false idea by stating that Cruise is more normal than what Hollywood portrays him to be or what his intense public persona might suggest.

In the end, despite the gossip surrounding his personal life and public behavior, Tom Cruise remains one of Hollywood’s most successful actors. With several stars and filmmakers defending the actor, the allegations and rumors couldn’t tarnish his reputation.


Written by Krittika Mukherjee

Articles Published: 1622

Krittika is a News Writer at FandomWire with 2 years of prior experience in lifestyle and web content writing. With her previous works available on HubPages and Medium, she has woven over 1500 stories with us, about fan-favorite actors, movies, and shows. Post-graduate in Journalism and Honors-graduate in English Literature, when this art enthusiast isn't crafting your next favorite article, she finds her escapism in coffee, fiction, and the Wizarding World.