Hellblade 2’s ‘Basic’ Combat Isn’t a Bad Thing, It’s Another String to the Bow for Ninja Theory’s Mental Illness Portrayal

The unique identity of this game makes the gameplay not be the main feature.

hellblade 2 basic combat


  • Hellblade 2 has just been released, and players are already criticizing several aspects.
  • The Ninja Theory game has players not so happy about the combat aspect.
  • The realism of gameplay is one of the things that makes the experience feel rawer.
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Hellblade 2 was recently released on May 21, making a very amazing impression among fans who wanted to see this sequel. One of the game’s main criticisms is that the gameplay is not as solid as many expected it to be. 


Many players are saying that the gameplay is not enjoyable or easy to control. Ninja Theory viewed the game as a realistic and unpolished experience on the battlefield, where combat would be a raw and decisive struggle to survive. The game aims to immerse players in Senua’s journey through her illness.

Hellblade 2 and a Game That is Looking at a Different Approach

Hellblade 2 is already available and players are complaining about the gameplay.
Hellblade 2 is now available, and players are complaining about the gameplay.

After more than seven years of development, Ninja Theory, the sequel to Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, has finally been released, leaving a stunning impression on players, particularly in terms of its visuals and sound design. This was a significant aspect of the experience, aiming to immerse the player in the emotions of the game’s protagonist. The game portrays Senua’s mental illness very well.


One of the most criticized aspects of this new franchise title was the gameplay, or combat controls. This is almost nonexistent in Hellblade 2, according to many. This is an essential part of the way that the game shows the realism and raw consequences of hand-to-hand combat in a battle. Other players expressed dissatisfaction due to the difficulty in controlling the combat.

A Narrative-Driven Adventure

Ninja Theory made a narrative-driven title.
Ninja Theory made a narrative-driven title.

Numerous players also see the lack of duration as a negative feature of the game; the title has no RPG fillers like a skill tree, leveling up, or other popular mechanics from modern titles. Ninja Theory chose to make a different kind of game, where the most important thing in Hellblade 2 is the path that Senua is following and her struggle through this particularly complicated mental illness.

Many suggest that this game adheres to the same concept as the first one, featuring an open ending that could potentially lead to a sequel in the future. This game was one of the most anticipated exclusive titles on Xbox. There are also rumors saying that the game will also be released on PS5 at some point, but Microsoft has not denied or confirmed this so far. There were other exclusives that were released on Sony hardware.


Hellblade 2 is already available on Xbox Series X/S, PC, and Game Pass. Senua is ready to make the battle for survival among enemies and her own enemies. The player will have to discover what is real and what is not. This feature of the game will be key to understanding what Senua is going through with this particularly complicated mental illness. This was very well worked on by the studio, which consulted a specialist about the subject.

What are your thoughts about these critics? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 602

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.