Helldivers 2’s ‘Secret Mission’ Idea is Exactly What Arrowhead Needs to Bring In to Offer a New Experience and Bring Those Divers Back

Quests that tell you more about Helldivers 2's universe.

helldivers 2


  • Players suggest that Helldivers 2 should have "secret missions" as part of the game.
  • These quests would spice things up and make the game more interesting.
  • A lot of these quests could reveal the game's lore and be completely optional.
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The Helldivers 2 community isn’t one that shies away from recommending changes for the game that can spice things up. From possible stratagems to quality-of-life changes, players are always brimming with ideas for improving the game.


Under one such instance, players have pointed out how Helldivers 2 can be so much more fun by having secret missions that aren’t part of the main narrative. Instead, these can be behind-the-scenes quests for helldivers who try to earn the extra buck without ditching their main careers.

Secret Missions That Aren’t Part of Managed Democracy

Embarking on these quests will let players explore the universe better.
Embarking on these quests will let players explore the universe better.

When Redditor UEDCommander saw the opportunity to point out how Helldivers 2 could be a better game, an old concept took back the spotlight. As it turns out, 2 months ago, user ThePengu conceptualized an idea that would change how players took up missions.


You see, originally the game has straightforward quests where helldivers dive into different missions where fighting Terminids or Automatons earns them different rewards. This brings in extra resources as well that can help the fight against enemies of humanity.

However, “Secret Missions” could make all this much more interesting by having the players do things that they otherwise won’t. For example, only after completing a main mission, the players could engage in another activity that would reward them with extra currency (or newer incentives).

But, what would these missions even look like? Well, considering the mysterious nature of Arrowhead’s development roadmap, everything and anything could happen in the universe of Helldivers 2. We’re looking at new kinds of enemies and weapons that could potentially lead to newer stories.


Helldivers 2’s Secret Narrative That’s Begging to Be Explored

Arrowhead can use this method to expand on Helldivers 2's existing lore.
Arrowhead can use this method to expand on Helldivers 2’s existing lore.

Not too long ago, Arrowhead revealed how upcoming threats (including wormholes and new weapons) could bring about new ways of understanding and experiencing the universe of Helldivers 2. Beneath what we know of the game already, there’s so much more that can be explored.

When players are done with basic missions that revolve around fighting hordes of enemies and exploring uncharted territories, there can be side/secret missions that reveal a bit more about what’s going on in the galaxy.

byu/ThePengu from discussion

Not only does this hint at the game’s lore, but it also gives players new incentives that keep them interested in the game. Furthermore, these can be completely optional. This allows players to explore the game’s story at their own pace and suggest more ideas for developers to think about.


What do you think about this concept? Do you feel that Helldivers 2 could benefit from secret missions that expand on the game’s existing lore? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 539

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.