“Spaghettified 12 facility members…”: Helldivers 2’s Latest Broadcast Includes New Weapons and Wormholes, and it All Sounds Like the Start of the Illuminate Joining the Fight

Worlds will collide as Helldivers 2's narrative progresses.

Helldivers 2 Blast


  • A recent animation about Helldivers 2's universe has hinted at new weapons and enemy types.
  • This broadcast speaks about a recent catastrophe that has revealed greater information about ongoing research.
  • Weaponized dark fluid is likely going to be part of the new weapon types helldivers can equip in battle.
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Helldivers 2 is a game that refuses to grow mundane. Usually, a game’s life cycle may take it in directions that drive players away. But in the case of Arrowhead’s passion project, this possibility is unlikely especially when we consider how the game’s lore evolves.


Based on a recent announcement, it seems that the universe in Helldivers 2 will soon face a new threat, along with new ways of playing the game. This includes a possibility of multiple universes colliding, giving helldivers a chance at redeeming a new future for Super Citizens.

The Game’s Dark Fluid Research Facility Has Witnessed a Disaster

A new terror is approaching, and Helldivers 2 players should be prepared.
A new terror is approaching, and Helldivers 2 players should be prepared.

If you’ve been a loyal helldiver who has been busy restoring faith in Managed Democracy, it’s understandable why or how you must have missed something like this. After all, quite a few things are happening in Helldivers 2’s universe, and it can be hard to track everything.


As it turns out, the Dark Fluid Research Facility in the game witnessed a dark turn of events that led to ‘volatile exotic materials‘ collapsing into a micro black hole. This ‘spaghettified 12 facility members‘ making a dent in the research for a bit. However, progress with the study and development of weaponized dark fluid will continue as scheduled.

Now, that’s a piece of lore that you don’t hear about too often. What exactly does this mean for the game? Will Helldivers 2 now have more such animated shorts that reveal more about the game’s narrative? We’ll likely know more soon.

Weaponized Dark Fluid and a Multiverse in Helldivers 2

The game could benefit from new weapons and enemy types.
The game could benefit from new weapons and enemy types.

A mention of more than one universe is a hint large enough that can suggest a long-term prospect for Helldivers 2 when it comes to its storyline. This directly impacts how players experience the game. First, there’s the possibility of new types of enemies posing a threat to the lives of Super Citizens.


Second, using weaponized dark fluid to combat enemies will add new weapons and stratagems to the mix. Maybe even an ammo type that serves as a new way of going against the dark forces of nature. Only time will tell how Arrowhead manages to actualize this vision.

While there’s no concrete info around all this, it’s likely that the upcoming seasons of Helldivers 2 will start shifting a focus from fighting the Terminids and Automatons to someone newer and possibly more evil. It’ll be interesting to see how the team builds an enemy type around this.

In the past, the two main enemy types have performed distinctly in battle. While Terminids can often be disgusting and all over the place, Automatons are ruthless in their strategy and pose a greater threat at times. Similarly, the new enemy type will feel different when going against in battle.


What are your thoughts on this new info about the game’s lore? Do you think Helldivers 2 will soon see new weapons and enemy types? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 539

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.