“That would be interesting…”: Helldivers 2’s Latest Major Order Suspected to be Far More Complicated Than it First Looks

Major order seems to be hiding something.

Helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 has just released a major order which looks too good to be true.
  • Some people believe that the first look of this major order is nothing but a void filler.
  • Major Orders are the main objectives that players have to complete as community goals in a limited time.
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Helldivers 2 has just released a major order containing information regarding the designated number of Terminids requiring termination for players to reap the benefits in terms of rewards and medals. Players are excited at first sight of it.


However, the current task looks easy enough at first glance, as the required number is way too low and easily achievable in the timeframe given by them. The order is supposed to be completed within 3 days.

Helldivers 2’s Major Order Hides Secret Not Visible To The Naked Eye

Helldivers 2, major order announcement. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios
Helldivers 2 has just released a major order that looks too good to be true. Image credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.

At first glance, the major order looks super easy to finish, and the same is mentioned by some of the users contemplating the same. The deal looks too good to be true and is causing a lot of speculation among fans as they dig through to unearth what might be hiding from most.


One Reddit user gave a detailed insight on why the current order looks so easy at first glance. They talked about how it could be completed in less than 10 hours.

byu/CrisisAbort from discussion

Some people believe that the first look of this major order is nothing but a void filler, as they compare it to a similar one released by Helldivers 2 a while back, which required you to kill 2 billion Terminids and was given a week to complete. However, some of the players finished the order within a day, breaking all expectations.

Although the current deal still looks too good to be true, it sounds very enticing, with high rewards waiting on the other side of the tunnel. Some players feel that new regulations will be set in place soon, allowing for only a limited amount of kills per stratagem.


byu/CrisisAbort from discussion

This is, however, a bizarre opinion, as it does not necessarily make any sense, but these observations are a result of Helldivers 2’s potential mischief hiding behind the current major order, which many people are still weary of.

What Are Major Orders?

Helldivers 2 cover. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios
Helldivers 2’s major order comes with a surprise twist. Image credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Major Orders are the main objectives that players have to complete as community goals in a limited time for the sake of an individual’s progress in the second galactic war that is the backbone of the game.

The outcome of the war is completely dynamic, as it is not scripted and relies heavily on the player’s actions. Due to the dynamic nature of the game, major orders can have a huge impact on the outcome of the galactic war, depending on whether players succeed or fail to complete the order.


Major orders add an interesting aspect by increasing the dynamic range of the game and knitting the experience together. However, it is still not clear as to why the current orders look too good to be true at first glance, and we can hope for some clarity after 3 days when it finishes.

What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Anupam Lamba

Articles Published: 97

Anupam Lamba is an avid gamer and film lover. After completing his bachelors in Mass Communication he started working as a writer in the Indian film industry before his love for gaming made him venture into the lanes of Fandomwire and he started working as a gaming writer here.