Helldivers 2 Needs to Treat the Impending Meridia Planet-Ending Moment Like Fortnite Does Its Season Events, Otherwise, It’ll be for Nothing

Some strategies might just work.

fortnite, helldrivers


  • Helldivers 2 needs to learn a lesson from Fortnite's seasonal content and in-game events.
  • The Arrowhead Game Studios live-service title needs a change to make players interested.
  • The community of the game is tired of making Major Orders without any real in-game changes.
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With the upcoming Helldivers 2 Major Order, which will explode the Meridia planet once the Dark Fluid reaches critical mass, Arrowhead Game Studios should emulate Fortnite by creating a significant seasonal event that coincides with this planet’s explosion.


 Arrowhead Game Studios needs to change the strategy to make players more interested in the game’s lore. Epic Games has been doing this with its popular Battle Royale, where every now and then it makes a giant event for the end of the season that changes all the maps forever and brings more content.

Helldivers 2 Should Be Following Fortnite Steps

Helldivers 2 needs to follow Fortnite's steps.
Helldivers 2 needs to follow Fortnite’s steps.

Since the launch of the game back in February of this year, the popularity of Helldivers 2 has been increasing exponentially, surpassing all the expectations of the studio behind the game. This Arrowhead Game Studios title has managed to sell more than 12 million copies worldwide. With more than 200,000 concurrent players every day, this IP has a ton of potential to make a real difference for the players.


With games like Fortnite constantly evolving into something bigger and more ambitious, the studio behind Helldivers 2 should consider implementing a similar system to pique players’ interest in joining the game. This title’s Major Orders system encourages the community to strive for a common goal, a concept that few other games have attempted. This could potentially lead to the creation of something more remarkable, akin to the Epic Games IP.

Players Want Changes Made to the Game

The game needs a relevant Major Order.
The game needs a relevant Major Order.

One of the more iconic Major Orders that the players successfully completed was the ability for every player to use a giant mech known as the Exo-Patriot suit. This occurred after the entire community successfully completed a major order. After that, the studio continued to produce Major Orders, but they lacked the same intensity and scope. Helldivers 2 should do something similar to Fortnite and try a different approach towards the players.

For weeks, the community of the game has been asking for something big to happen and to see real changes in the core gameplay. In the past, the Epic Games title had made giant mechs battle live while the players watched, or even broke reality itself. This is what the Arrowhead Game Studios IP needs. In the latest Major Order, a planet is set to explode, and the studio needs to make the players participate and watch it live.


At the moment, the players and fans of the game have no idea what will happen once the next Major Order is completed. The fans are eager to see a real change in the game that will bring new enemies, weapons, or even vehicles to the mix. The game is still too young, but it has so much potential to make a real bold strategy change to bring more players to the game in the fight for interplanetary democracy.

What are your thoughts about this possibility? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 705

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.