“What in liberty’s name did we just do?”: Helldivers 2 Fans are Beginning to Regret Turning Meridia Into a Super Earth-Approved Black Hole, as the Repercussions Begin to Dawn on Them

Helldivers have no words for what just transpired in the latest operation.



  • The Helldivers 2 community was shocked by the sight of a massive black hole after Operation: Enduring Peace.
  • The Terminid may be permanently snuffed out in the galaxy, the Illuminate could take over and replace them.
  • Helldivers 2 is becoming more and more ambitious, making the community more interested in what comes next.
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Helldivers 2 may be struggling to stay afloat but the developers managed to deliver a new operation of permanently wiping out the Terminid threat. The Ministry of Truth made a deal with the devil by using a new prototype bioweapon from another enemy faction.


The Illuminate is a different enemy faction a with a rare substance known as Dark Fluid. The scientists believed it could be the key to their victory against the Terminid but failed to realize the consequences of this tactical move and the players are shocked by what happened.

The Helldivers 2 Community Fear a Reckoning Is at Play

The Ministry of Truth might have made a grave mistake in Helldivers 2.
The Ministry of Truth might have made a grave mistake in Helldivers 2.

The gaming community of Helldivers 2 received a new mandate from the Ministry of Truth and it appears to be an endgame solution to one annoying enemy type. Operation: Enduring Peace used a new bioweapon that came from the Illuminate, a separate enemy faction to snuff another for good permanently but the players are shellshocked by what transpired after the operation.


What in liberty’s name did we just do?
byu/Wh1msyOfficial inHelldivers

It appears that the Dark Fluid is capable of making a black hole. The players are speechless about what they did to a race of aliens that threatened their existence but also fear for the future.

byu/Wh1msyOfficial from discussion


The thing about black holes is that it is a two-way door, anything from the other end could simply waltz through the hole and could be an even bigger problem than the Terminid. Perhaps this is all a ploy by the Illuminate who intentionally gave the Ministry of Truth access to this substance for more nefarious and ulterior motives.

byu/Wh1msyOfficial from discussion

It could be all a massive coincidence but there is no denying that the Illuminate is benefitting more from this operation. The Terminid may be removed from the equation leaving a vacuum for a new enemy faction to take its place.


The imminent arrival of the Illuminate could give the gaming community a run for their money and could be worse than the Terminid faction. The character design for these extraterrestrial creatures leaked a while ago and their destructive capabilities could justify their horrendous appearance.

The Illuminate is Planning on Something Massive in Helldivers 2

Now that the Terminid threat has been vanquished, the Illuminate is plotting something evil in Helldivers 2.
Now that the Terminid threat has been vanquished, the Illuminate is plotting something evil in Helldivers 2.

Leaders are often faced with a dilemma that could have major ramifications for the future. Perhaps the Ministry of Truth is relieved now that the Terminid will no longer threaten humanity but failed to look ahead to what may take over.

The Illuminate once used a black hole to enter the galaxy during the first Galactic War and could have been plotting something in the shadows. The players were begging for the developers to improve the enemy variety.


There is no telling of what these creatures are capable of in a firefight. Some are beginning to question if the operation was worth the trouble of destroying one evil with another. Perhaps desperation got the better of the Ministry and believed that they could handle anything that followed.

This was hubris and could ultimately be the cause of their downfall. The players will then have to pick up the pieces. What are your thoughts about the recent operation in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 610

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.