Helldivers 2 Fans Want to take it Upon Themselves to Help Fix the Dire Weapon Issues as they’ve Ran Out of Patience with Arrowhead

Even weapons aren't safe from Managed Democracy.

Helldivers 2


  • A player suggests Helldivers 2 should have a rating system specifically for guns.
  • This way, players could provide feedback for all the weapons they use.
  • At present, the community isn't particularly happy about the available guns.
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Helldivers 2 serves as a galactic playground for every gamer who’s a fan of fast guns, harsh environments, and democracy. In the midst of battle, players often find themselves switching between different weapon types to fight different kinds of enemies.


For this reason, a Helldivers 2 player is a helpful suggestion that could improve the quality of life for the game, giving developers something to look forward to when thinking about ideas for a new weapon design.

Enjoyed Using a Gun? Leave Arrowhead a Thumbs-up

Helldivers 2 squads
Ranking guns could lead to better design decisions for Arrowhead.

Out of all the suggestions and speculations fans can come up with, this one has to be one that feels a little unique. According to user ManiakAres on Reddit, the game could fare well with a system that lets players give different gun ratings based on their experience.


How exactly would this work? Well, according to the player, this would be a rating system that’s found on the App Store. Essentially, you get a gun, use it, and then let Arrowhead know how great (or horrible) it feels in battle.

If this update is by any means implemented into the game, Helldivers 2’s community will have yet another democratic approach to having a strong opinion about different weapons. This could lead to further nerfs/buffs for each weapon or new designs inspired by player feedback.

Players Haven’t Been Too Excited About the Latest Weapons in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 poll
The poll suggests that players would like better content updates.

Helldiver 2’s latest Warbond, Polar Patriots, introduced a bunch of new items including the PLAS-101 Purifier weapon. Many consider this to be an average weapon, with a low fire rate and unsatisfactory damage output. This has certainly affected how players have responded to the update overall.


The game’s official discord channel conducted a poll for the same, and it turns out that almost half (42%) of the users aren’t happy with the latest updates. A demand for more patches instead hints at better weapons and gadgets in the game.

If the suggestion for rating guns does make it to the game, Arrowhead can accurately pinpoint which weapons are being favored by the community, and which ones likely need a re-do or an overhaul of some kind. At the time of writing, there’s no saying if certain weapon types have an advantage over others.

Regardless of energy-based weapons or guns that run on classic bullets, Helldivers 2 is currently in a state where players are still looking for better alternatives to the guns they usually prefer. Similarly, stratagems need new updates too, otherwise, the game will start feeling stale after a certain point.


Do you think a gun-rating system would be beneficial for Helldivers 2? How do you think it will affect the community? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 516

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.