Helldivers 2 Fans are Suffering Emotional Whiplash after Excitement Turns to Disappointment as They Use the EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit. “It seems clear Mechs need a huge rework”

The latest Major Order's success has left a few players feeling disappointed, thanks to its reward.

Helldivers 2 Mech


  • The Emancipator, the reward for completing the previous Helldivers 2's Major Order has been the subject of mixed reviews within the community.
  • Much of the criticism is pointed at the Exosuit's low ammo capacities and situational benefits.
  • With a few simple fixes, however, the Exosuit, and by extension the mech stratagems can become a lot more viable.
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With the Automaton Perafactory on Valyria 5 liberated, Helldivers 2‘s community is now more dedicated than ever to ensuring no other Major Order ends up in failure. After the struggles faced by the game earlier this month, it’s undoubtedly a well-deserved victory.


However, now that players have finally gotten their hands on the Major Order’s reward, the EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit, some within the community aren’t as happy with the mech as Arrowhead may have hoped.

Helldivers 2’s Latest Stratagem Is Seeing Mixed Reactions Within the Community

Mechs have long remained the least viable stratagem at higher levels in Helldivers 2.
Mechs have long remained the least viable stratagem at higher levels in Helldivers 2.

Since their introduction in Helldivers 2, mechs have stayed in a somewhat precarious position, either remaining unbalanced or buggy. The trend seems to continue with the EXO-49 Emancipator, Patriot’s successor, as the initial reaction after using the mech has been less than stellar.


The mech in question is equipped with 2 autocannons, each carrying 75 rounds, and has a cooldown of 600 seconds. It can only be used twice and, for the time being, cannot be equipped with another mech in your loadout. All these seem somewhat normal for a Helldivers 2 mech, but after using it, players have noticed that the Exosuit is quite unbalanced, shining only in certain situations.

byu/HallonMcPillow from discussion

One of the main points of criticism towards the Exosuit is the lack of ammunition, as 75 rounds on each autocannon are simply not enough to take on some of the heavier enemies in the game.

byu/HallonMcPillow from discussion

When it comes to balancing issues, it seems that the mech is simply no match for a few enemies, such as Bile Titans and Jet Packers, along with tanks and cannon turrets.

byu/Emptynesz from discussion

Given how dedicated the community was to liberating Valyria 5, it is quite disheartening to see their work being rewarded with an unbalanced mech that will need a bit of rework to win a slot in players’ loadouts.

What Can Arrowhead Do to Fix Helldivers 2 Mech?

With a few simple fixes, the Emancipator can turn into one of the best stratagems in Helldivers 2
With a few simple fixes, the Emancipator can turn into one of the best stratagems in Helldivers 2.

When it comes to the Emancipator, especially, increasing the rounds on each arm to somewhere between 100 and 150 can easily fix its biggest problem. The mech is already a tank when it comes to taking damage, so having a bit more ammo can help ease a lot of players’ disappointment with the stratagem.

Another quick way to make mechs more viable in general would be to reduce the cooldown timer. Put simply, 10 minutes is too long of a cooldown for a mech that cannot justifiably output enough damage. Add to that a few aim and bug fixes, and mechs may just move away from their position as the least viable stratagem in the game.


Now, Helldivers 2‘s endgame continues to remain a little unbalanced for some, but with a few simple fixes, such as the ones suggested for the mechs, Arrowhead may just mark the beginning of the game’s comeback arc. After losing so many players thanks to Sony’s bad policies, a game like Helldivers 2 does indeed deserve one.

What are your thoughts on the Emancipator? Is it as bad as people are making it out to be? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 62

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.