Helldivers 2’s Johan Pilestedt Puts his Head on the Chopping Block if he Can’t Turn Things Around: “If I don’t deliver I think I should be in trouble and possibly laid off.”

Johan Pilestedt makes light of his new role after taking a step back in the company

Helldivers 2


  • It has been widely reported that Johan Pilestedt has stepped back as CEO from Arrowhead Game Studios.
  • The former CEO confirmed this on Social Media and had one cheeky quip in response to this.
  • It is hoped by many players that this move will help improve the fortunes of the game which has seen a steady decline.
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When Helldivers 2 first appeared on the scene, it was welcomed with open arms by countless players crying out for a fresh new gaming experience. The chance to battle for Democracy and liberate worlds saw the PlayStation game become the fastest-selling title with a reported 12 million sales in the first 12 weeks of release.


Recent reports have stated that the title has seen an alarming drop in player numbers which no doubt will have alarm bells ringing. Following this disturbing trend, Johan Pilestedt has decided to take a step back from his role as CEO and has brought in a well-respected and well-known colleague in the form of Shams Jorjani.

Helldivers 2 Former CEO Talks Candidly About the Future

Helldivers 2
Does Pilestedt taking a step back mean a step forward for the game?

No doubt many people will have already seen the reports that Arrowhead has brought in a new CEO and it was following Johan Pilestedt’s announcement on Social Media that one fan had a cheeky response to this. In his defence, Pilestedt took this completely on the chin and was ever the professional.


Pilestedt responded to the majority of questions that followed on his original post in which he described what his new role would be. He stated that by taking a step back it would be a greater thing for the studio and would allow him to be more active with the community and spend more time with the team.

This was met with positivity by many fans who were excited by the addition of Jorjani as CEO and the prospect of Pilestedt having more of an influence on the game itself. Certainly judging by some of the comments there is hope amongst the community that the balance issues which are currently plaguing the game will be a major focus for the former CEO.


Helldivers 2 – A Game In Decline?

Helldivers 2
Player numbers have seen an alarming downturn recently.

When the Arrowhead game first burst onto the gaming scene it took many by surprise and saw huge popularity worldwide, perhaps in no small part due to its comparison to Cult Classic Movie Starship Troopers. However, months later it appears that the number of players enjoying this title has taken a sharp downturn.

The title has seen various controversies over the last months and it does appear that there is a general consensus amongst players that the Helldivers 2 has gotten worse. Many have highlighted that there is a lack of variety with the game whilst others that there are still bugs plaguing this game.


It is evident from the comments on Social Media that many players are frustrated by the game and that has no doubt led to the decrease in numbers. What remains to be seen is whether Pilestedt’s decision to step back from CEO will result in a change of fortunes for the game and see players returning.

What are your thoughts on the latest news for Helldivers 2? Do you agree with Johan Pilestedt’s comment? Get in touch, leave us a comment, and let us know what you think.




Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 250

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.