“I’m a bit sensitive since the weekend”: Helldivers 2’s Johan Pilestedt Asks the Question Everyone is Thinking After Tango Gameworks Closure

Johan Pilestedt shares his opinion on the recent Microsoft closures, and it doesn't look good.

"I'm a bit sensitive since the weekend": Helldivers 2's Johan Pilestedt Asks the Question Everyone is Thinking After Tango Gameworks Closure


  • Microsoft closes down 4 different studios due to their recent failures.
  • Gamers are taken back by the recent closures from Microsoft.
  • Johan Pilestedt comments on the recent news from Microsoft.
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It has been a rough few days for the gaming community as games like Helldivers 2 take a massive hit with a review bomb to show Sony that gamers won’t accept their silly account linking policy, while Microsoft jumps on the bad news bandwagon by closing down 4 different studios all at once.


These four different studios have all created different games that have sadly had a rough time in terms of sales and attention-getting, except for Hi-Fi Rush. These studios are Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog Games, and Roundhouse Games, which were all in charge of releasing a few games that sadly fell through.

After this recent announcement, Arrowhead Game Studios CEO Johan Pilestedt released a tweet commenting on the recent news, but sadly, it didn’t go the way he planned.


Johan Pilestedt Speaks His Mind About the Recent Closures Thanks to Microsoft

Microsoft takes a massive hit as it closes down 4 studios.
Microsoft takes a massive hit as it closes down 4 studios.

There have been many challenges for the gaming community over the past few weeks, but seeing numerous closures regarding hard-working studios that have a lot of potential for future success is something not many people like to see.

One of these people is Johan Pilestedt, the CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios, who took to Twitter/X to share his two pence on the situation, explaining:


Unfortunately, this didn’t end well, as other Twitter/X users began to share their opinions regarding this rather sensitive situation.

After receiving a response to his tweet calling his post “shameless” and “irrelevant” Pilestedt began to apologise for his tweet, acknowledging that “I’m a bit sensitive since the weekend”.


Helldivers 2 CEO Johan Pilestedt Apologizes for Their Comment, but It May Not Be Entirely Wrong

Johan Pilestedt, the CEO behind Arrowhead Game Studios and Helldivers 2, commented on the recent Microsoft news.
Johan Pilestedt, the CEO behind Arrowhead Game Studios and Helldivers 2, commented on the recent Microsoft news.

As stated above, after the recent tweet from Johan Pilestedt regarding the closures of these four different studios, another Twitter/X user responded by describing Johan Pilestedt in a rather shameless light.

After apologising for his comments, Pilestedt explained that they are sorry for their comment and explained that they are unaware as to whether or not these closures were to do with bad intent or just down to a simple decision made by Microsoft.

Due to the recent upset that has been taking place within the Helldivers 2 community, it makes complete sense that Johan Pilestedt is in a rather rough situation and feeling slightly sensitive at this current time. but this collection of tweets shows it very clearly.


Luckily, this unfortunate interaction has ended after Pilestedt’s apology, but many other users have issued their opinions and responses to the current situation as they put forward their own theories as to why Microsoft closed down these studios. The most common theory is that gamers believe Microsoft would rather close down the studios and keep the IPs than just sell the studios off, but again, this is only a theory.

What do you think about this unfortunate situation? Why do you think Microsoft has closed down these different studios? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 524

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.