“He’s bleeding profusely from his eye”: Punisher Actor Jon Bernthal Drowned a Fan in His Own Blood After a Real Life Fist Fight

Punisher Actor Jon Bernthal Drowned a Fan in His Own Blood After a Real Life Fist Fight
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For a renowned personality like Jon Bernthal, it’s obvious to interact with fans now and then. The actor has established himself in the film industry by appearing in films like Fury, The Wolf of Wall Street, Wind River, The Punisher, and more.


Over time, Bernthal has not just become a prominent figure in Hollywood but has undoubtedly maintained a strong fan base for himself. However, while filming an American crime drama series, We Own This City, the actor was attacked by a criminal on set, who later turned out to be his fan. 

Jon Bernthal
Jon Bernthal

Jon Bernthal was attacked while filming a scene

Jon Bernthal recently appeared in an American crime drama series called We Own This City. In the series, Bernthal portrayed the role of a corrupt Baltimore cop. The show was well-received by the audience and is considered one of his best projects. However, it also gave him some bizarre memories he will remember for life.


During an interview, the actor recalled a scene from the film that led to a serious fight. Bernthal explained that he was filming a fight scene with his team when suddenly, an intruder joined them. The actor got suspicious for a moment since he knew each of his teammates by name, but the new face on the team alarmed him.

Jon Bernthal in We Own This City
Jon Bernthal in We Own This City

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Before Bernthal could react to the situation, he was already attacked by the person. The actor said, 


“I have done this 20 times, I know all these guys by their names. And now this guy is running at me with fcking dreadlocks. I am thinking, who is this fcking clown? And he reaches back like this guy was going to hit me, and sure enough, he just throws a f*cking right hand right at my head. In the last second, I blocked it with my riot shield. But it hit my face, and I felt it cut my face.”

At the very next moment, the actor understood the need to confront the other person and to defend himself, he hit the other person in the eye, and he fell.

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Jon Bernthal got an expected reaction from the intruder

Jon Bernthal
Jon Bernthal

During the same interview, Jon Bernthal reflected on the reaction of the intruder after getting punched by him. To his surprise, the guy rose and hugged him. Bernthal was indeed shocked by that person’s gesture and couldn’t comprehend what was going on. The actor said,


“After we finished the scene, I was looking around to understand what had happened. He was bleeding profusely from his eye, and he came up to me and gave me a f*cking hug. He said, ‘Yo dog… You are a real one-man.”

The next moment, the actor realized that his fan was actually a criminal who was being chased by ‘three real Baltimore police officers.’ The actor continued,

“He just happened to be running by, and he was like, ‘I am gonna knock that motherf*cker out on TV.’ That’s Baltimore. The hug he gave me was that he showed me respect.”

Indeed, this was a very unusual incident for Bernthal, but it’s also true that fandom knows no bounds, and the actor is appreciated by a wide range of people.

Also Read: “He was willing to risk it all”: Punisher Star Jon Bernthal Was Obsessed With Shia LaBeouf After Hearing His “Crazy” Stories


Source: Youtube


Written by Sonali

Articles Published: 343

Sonali is the sensational entertainment writer who serves up the juiciest celebrity insights and pop culture revelations with a tantalizing spice that keeps readers coming back for more.