“Hideo Kojima is cooking something”: The Master of Hollywood Horror Meeting with Death Stranding and Metal Gear Solid Genius has Fans Wondering What’s Going On

Directors Hideo Kojima and Jordan Peele has joined forces for the ultimate entertainment experience.

death stranding, metal gear solid, hideo kojima


  • Directors Hideo Kojima and Jordan Peele posed together for a picture that sent the gaming community into a frenzy.
  • Kojima Productions partnered with Xbox Game Studios for a new horror project codenamed OD.
  • Jordan Peele and Hideo Kojima are about to craft the ultimate horror video game for the Xbox community.
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Hideo Kojima has been hailed as the auteur of video games because of his passion for films, which is notable in his most recent works. The entire entertainment industry respects the Japanese director and is eager to see what his creative mind can come up with in the future.


It was only a matter of time before Kojima recruited another brilliant mind to aid him in his quest to remove the barrier between interactive media and motion pictures and craft the ultimate piece of art and cinema. Kojima is single-handedly paving the way for the future of entertainment.

Hideo Kojima Is Breaking the Boundaries Once Again

Director Hideo Kojima is about to make a quantum leap.
Director Hideo Kojima is about to make a quantum leap.

The gaming community was in shambles when Hideo Kojima shared a quick photo with Norman Reedus, the main star of Death Stranding and its sequel, and actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan, which gave the fans the idea that Morgan may appear in the upcoming Kojima Productions project.


The director has made plenty of friends from different industries and would invite them over to his office and have them scanned but the director recently shared a new photograph of him with director Jordan Peele and fans are eager to see what these two geniuses can make.

Kojima is approachable and friendly toward his colleagues and some fans are wondering what he is cooking up in his studio. Sam Lake and Hyung-Tae Kim, directors of the Alan Wake series and Stellar Blade, were all seen being scanned for what seems to be a secret project.

Some fans joked about Kojima assembling the ultimate gauntlet of video game directors, which is a testament to his influence.


Peele and Kojima once took the stage during Geoff Keighley’s The Game Awards last year, and it was a collaboration of the greatest minds in the entertainment industry and of Xbox Game Studios and Kojima Productions. Judging by the background of both directors and the first look at OD, it is shaping up to be a unique horror experience.

Death Stranding 2: On the Beach Could Be the Start for Kojima

Death Stranding 2: On the Beach is scheduled to be released next year exclusively on the PlayStation 5.
Death Stranding 2: On the Beach is scheduled to be released next year exclusively on the PlayStation 5.

Regardless of what this OD will be like, the gaming community knows it is unwise to bet against Kojima, especially with another talented and skilled director like Peele by his side. These great visionaries will take the gaming community into the future of interactive media and storytelling.

It may not be long before the world is about to have another glimpse of what this mystery project is entirely about. The horror genre is about to get even weirder now that Kojima is making his entry, which could give the fans something to talk about.


Peele is one of the rare creative individuals to have the honor of collaborating with Kojima and is experiencing his unique creative process firsthand, which could be daunting but exciting. Perhaps these two can deliver the ultimate interactive experience through a controller.

Art imitates life and vice versa, Kojima realized that his talent and Peele’s vision complement each other like a symbiotic relationship. Whatever these two visionaries bring will revolutionize the entertainment industry for the better.

What are your thoughts about Hideo Kojima and Jordan Peele working together? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 610

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.