“Hideo Kojima is the definition of an artist”: Leaked Playtests Reveal an ‘experimental experience’ with a Host of Unique Mechanics in Kojima’s ‘OD’

Rumors are spreading about Hideo Kojima's Xbox exclusive and it sounds exciting.

hideo kojima, od
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Nic Fillingham


  • Hideo Kojima's Xbox game has already been play tested and early reactions praise the experimental experience.
  • OD is a horror title that will feature a blend of first and third-person perspectives and long cinematics.
  • Microsoft will benefit from this partnership with Hideo Kojima and horror fans have something exciting to look forward to.
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Hideo Kojima is famously known as the auteur of video games and his work speaks for itself. Kojima has pioneered the gaming industry with his ambitious projects, and recent rumors have surfaced about his next horror title for the Xbox platform and it sounds quite exciting.


If rumors are to be believed, early play tests have already taken place and the playtesters have some high praise for Kojima’s experimental horror game. Perhaps this partnership will benefit Xbox more than the director and fans of the platform will have something to look forward to.

Hideo Kojima’s OD Could Be a Strong Exclusive Title for Xbox

Hideo Kojima revealed OD at the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase back in 2022.
Hideo Kojima revealed OD at the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase back in 2022.

According to a recent report, early play test has taken place and playtesters have praised the demo for its experimental experience. The playtesters have reportedly loved how it transcended the horror genre with long cinematics paired with interactive and passive gameplay.


The game is expected to have similar features and storytelling techniques to previous Kojima projects like Death Stranding. Kojima is quite popular in the entertainment industry and his reach is so far that it could span across different fields of storytelling.

The director partnered with Jordan Peele, an actor and filmmaker who excels in horror films along with other talented storytellers. Perhaps he is establishing connections with iconic film directors that would not only allow him to tell more bizarre and unconventional stories but to also gain new knowledge for future projects.


Kojima is always bringing something new to the table, this time around it is said that his Xbox game will allow players to go between first-person and third-person points of view which will add a new layer of immersion.

The vision for blending the quality of filmmaking into this medium is nearly achievable and the details shared suggest that this video game will be a cinematic experience.

Xbox Could Be the Home of Hideo Kojima Horror Games

Directors Hideo Kojima and Jordan Peele revealed OD during the Xbox and Bethesda Showcase.
Directors Hideo Kojima and Jordan Peele revealed OD during the Xbox and Bethesda Showcase.

The industry has universally hailed the director as a true artist, even some of his colleagues have been in disbelief of his talent and passion. Kojima’s love for films has manifested in some shape or form in his video games and details of the playtest regarding the long cinematics are proof of it.


Fans have high expectations for every project that is made by Kojima Productions and already expect the director to fully commit his time to the Xbox project as soon as Death Stranding 2: On the Beach has been shipped.

Sony gave the support he needed when the director left his former company and now Microsoft is doing the same. Regardless of the final look and feel of the video game, horror fans and players are in for a treat with a new experimental gaming experience from the auteur of video games himself.

PlayStation has benefitted from Kojima’s Death Stranding and it is only apt for Xbox to have one of its own. It will be a great refresher for the director to go back to his horror roots. Are you excited to play Hideo Kojima’s OD? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 581

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.